December 14, 2024 Time: 12:10 Members Present: 19
Welcome to City BBQ, and the Holiday meeting of the Flying Aces Pilot Association. I hope you and yours are doing well, and are enjoying the hospitality of City BBQ, as well as, the Holiday Spirt of this time of year. I hope you are ready to close out 2024 and bring in the New Year, ,of 2025. We have lots to go over, so let’s get started.
I want to take this moment to recognize those who are visiting us today. I would ask you to please introduce yourselves. We hope that FAPA and Waymer can be the flying home you are looking for.
We had a few new members join in the last couple of weeks. Are any of you folks here today? Please introduce yourselves:
We certainly welcome you to the FAPA. There’s a great wealth of knowledge in this club, so if you have any questions, and need help with something, please don’t hesitate to ask anyone here for help.
November meetings recap.
I’m not going to go over to much from the November meeting, as the notes are posted on the our website. But I will hit a few of the high points.
We welcomed the new Board to the 2025 year.
We held our annual Veterans Warbird Fly In on November 9. Andy and I will have more on this a little later in our reports.
I held a Zoom Board meeting with the new board on November 6th. As I said, a lot of great ideas came from this meeting. We discussed on how to grow the club, both financially and membership wise. One way to do this is by developing a new website, which Stephan and Ben are currently working on. With the new website, we should get more movement on the web, giving us a better cyber footprint.
We discussed on a way to find out why members are not renewing their memberships. We discussed sending out a survey to see why, and where we need to improve to help keep our members.
We discussed a membership incentive to help drive our membership to increase. There’s a lot we still need to talk about on this, on how logistically we can get this done. More to come on this in the coming months.
We would like to have a renewal notice sent out when it’s time to renew of park pass. We talk to Neil about this and see if it is feasible, and he’s been sending out the renewal notices, and it seems to be working. We have had 39 renewals so far to date.
We talked about more contests for our fly in’s and make sure these are projected to the public to help drive more our participation at the fly ins.
We talked about more workshops, tutorials, on all aspects of Rc plane flying. FPV, radio setup, etc…. We can do this at meetings; by utilizing our You Tube page, or and our new website.
And finally a sad note, Jim Galuska informed us the his mother, Josephine Eliuk passed away. While we are sad for her loss, we must remember what a amazing life she has lived. She was almost 101 years old. Just think of all the things she has seen, and done in a amazing life she lived. We will honor her with a plaque on our members memorial of those who have have passed away, which is displayed on the information board at the field. Jim your mother was a friend to us all, and will be missed immensely.
Club Officers Report:
V.P.: Stephan:
Wings program:
Information cards: cards are being completed, and sent to printer soon.
New website: working on a new domain and is in process. More to come.
Stephan went over his accident while hand launching his plan. After some discussion, we will install a ammo can at the information board with gloves in it to use while hand launching aircraft.
Secretary: Alvin:
Treasure: Andy: balance, December 2021 was
Today: the club is financially secure.
Warbird flyin financials: $670.53 profit.
Safety Officer: Ray: Ray went over the rules stated below. Also, we discussed flying with headphones, and highly recommend not allowing this, for safety reason. You can’t hear anything around you while you are flying.
Fly behind the pilot’s stations, call take offs and landings and the direction you are performing said act. Call on the runway, crossing the runway, clear the runway. Make sure you say it loud enough so everybody can hear you. Do not stand on the taxiway while somebody is landing and taking off. No spectators beyond the fence line. Do not fly outside the park boundaries. DO NOT TAXI BACK TO THE PITS, PEROID. This rule is for both props and jets. Fail safe/throttle cut. If you don’t know how to program these items, ask somebody to help you. Communication is the key for everybody to be safe. Talk to each other. We are all safety officers, so don’t be afraid to say something, respectfully, if you see somebody doing something unsafe. DO NOT MAKE BURNER PASSES DOWN THE RUNWAY, ESPECIALLY IF OTHERS ARE IN THE PILOTS STATIONS. WE FLY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE RUNWAY. AND CALL THEM OUT IF YOUR NOT ALONE.
Presidents report:
Let me start my portion of the meeting with a huge thank you to those individuals who give up their time to help organize and put on these fly ins for you. I had help with set up this morning, so thank you to Phillip, Joe, Andy, Terry, Ray, and Loren
For helping me get this area setup and tear down of this fly in.
And to the people who helped prepare and procure this delicious meal that was provide for us, Russ, Mike , Stephan, Jim and Jessica, thank you for all you do.
Terry, Jessica, and Andy for the raffle and registration, which is a thankless job. Thank you.
Joe, with the great raffle prize, Matt Springer and the gracious donation of this Cessna, by Stuart Sieg , in honor of his father, Ernie Seig. We truly appreciate all these donations to the club.
As Andy has said, this was one of our best profitable fly ins we have had, which makes me very happy. As President, I take the financial stability of this club to heart. It made my day that I sent in the sign in sheet with 27 paid pilots at our event. So great job with participation at this event. Let’s keep it going in 2025.
Our Charter with the AMA has been paid for the 2025 year, so we don’t have to worry about that for awhile.
I applied for our AMA Bronze Leader Club for 2025. We where actually moved up to Silver status.
During the Thanksgiving holiday when you thought all I was doing was setting on the beach catching rays, I had my 15 year old niece help me design this rendition of our club pamphlets. She is amazing at doing things like this. As I pass them around for you to inspect, let’s discuss what, if any changes we would like to make. I sent them to the Board for their opinions, and we made a few changes already. So… what’s you thoughts?
I’m going to get those printed at Vista print for $128.79 for 250 pamphlets.
As I stated earlier, we, as well as, Wacama are concerned with the decline in memberships. Well, we aren’t the only ones. On November 14 I was invited to a webinar from the AMA on this topic. They are nervous too. They will be rolling out some new programs to try and help drive membership. But, they are mostly going to use us by giving us new tools to help promote them and our hobby. So be on the look out for these program coming in early 2025. I’ll keep the info coming to you and we will begin to implement them. Just a fyi, the average age for membership for the AMA is the people in their 50’s. So our hobby is getting old, so to speak. AMA was in Washington this week lobbying our drone status. Hopefully nothing will change in the near future.
Adrian, any updates on the Sullenburger Museum front? I want to hold a meeting there soon.
We have had great conversations with the museum and we should be holding a meeting there in the April time frame, with the potential for having a display set up at the museum from time to time. This will help with the drive for new membership.
Ben: You Tube/Key chain update.
YouTube: the channel is doing really well, we have 272 subscribers, with over 200,000 views.
Key Chains: we have sold 3 key chains and have 20 left.
Mowing equipment: I’m so glad that so many people have been using the mowing equipment to maintain our field, that’s awesome. But please leave the equipment as you found it. Blow the grass off the mower and weed eater and place the batteries on the charger or in their storage compartment on the equipment. Replace the string on the weedeater as well. This helps the next person start out right when they start cutting grass. And, if something happens to or breaks in the equipment, please let me or Joe know so we can get it repaired. The longer we take care of this equipment the longer it will last.
President authorized the purchase of a new blade and chute for mower. Joe where do we stand on getting this purchased? We are working on getting the quotes for new blades and shoot for mower.
Just a reminder, if a personnel item is not yours, please don’t use it without permission. Be respectful of other property.
Instructor Pilot Program:
We did have a new person train the last few weeks. Ben and Alvin were in touch with the young man, and I think Ben has been training him. So, the program is working.
John is going to have a training session with all the pilots soon, so everybody’s on the same page. I’m in the process of getting the transmitters software up to date.
I.P. instructors
John Westman , head of program.
Ben Vermeer (Youth Instructor)
Stephen Brown
Chris Dickerson
Alvin Kitchen
J.R. Russo
Non active member, Jimoh Ahmed and Anthony Durrah
Fria news: nothing new, except they are starting to enforce the Remote ID. So, if you don’t fly at a Fria site, you better have a Remote ID. There’s a YouTube video out explaining the fines that are being levied out. The channel name is Tim McKay. Evan brought up so points we have to follow while flying here. We need to do the following :
Have our name, AMA number on the inside of our planes, and display our FAA number on the outside of our planes. We need to become more diligent on this process.
CBL’s revisions. Be on the look out for a few changes to the CBL’s we need to make. I’ll be sending them out for everybody to look at so we can vote on the at the following month’s club meeting. It’s treasury things and some added amendments for the camera and such. Nothing earth shattering
T-shirts. They look awesome, IMO. If you haven’t gotten one, you should while supplies last. We only have 14 left to sell. They make great Christmas presents
We will be having the Frosty Dog on January 1 2025. Coffee, hot chocolate and doughnuts will be provided by the club.
I don’t want to win the first crash of 2025 this year. Lol
Wacama Portion:
Windsock. Trey installed the small windsock on the bank across the runway. What is everybody’s thoughts?
The parks department filled in the potholes with asphalt. It looks amazing. They the going to fill in the low spot under the pavilion also. Also, I’m going to ask Trey to stay on them for the new signage at the road and potentially paving the taxiways this year for us as was discussed last year. We need to stay on them first quarter before there money starts to get cut.
One of the solar panels on the charging station has lost its output so we thought. It comes to find out our batteries where worn out. Trey and some helper replaced and we certainly appreciate them for getting the charging station going for us again.
Wacama is just as concerned as we are about the dwindling membership of our hobby. We are down 45 members from this time last year. ( 165)
We had a plane go down in the dump area a week ago and hit the big green building. A landfill worker came over and asked we not fly over the dump. Trey went to the office to see what happened and the office manager said the pilot came over and told them what had happened. They have the pilots name and insurance information and was assured the damage would be covered. I don’t know if it was a plane failure, or they were just flying over there and lost it. Moral of the story is, stay inside the park boundaries. Trey, anything to add?
I had a conversation with a member last week, and he stated he went over and talked to the manager of the dump, and he told him, they didn’t mind us flying over the dump after the dump closes. Me personally, I do not fly over the dump.
For those who don’t know, your Wacama board members are:
Trey Chanter-President/Treasurer
FAPA board member-Russ Zich
FAPA board member – Andy Dazzo
FAPA board member/webmaster-Neil Liner
MCLS board member -Will Davis
MCLS board member-Max Flowe
As always, lock the gate if you are the last one out of the park. Roll the awning in and lock the handle into the charging station lock, so the handle doesn’t blow around and break off.
Requirements to fly at Waymer:
Park pass
FAA registration, and specking of this, I received my FAA renewal email last week, and I renewed, ($5.00) so I assume most everybody else will be getting their soon.
It’s getting to the time of year to renewing your AMA , so too a reminder, you have to have a current AMA to renew your park pass.
Neil has the new locks and keys are ready for the 2025 season. So now is the time to renew your membership. The locks and field camera code will be changed on February 1st.
Both the Wacama board and FAPA board have asked to have their books audited. Jays’ wife, Jessica has volunteered to do this and has completed the Wacama books already. This should be done annually per of CBL’s
Is everybody getting the club emails through the new address? If not, check your spam folder. Neil is doing an excellent job in keeping the email list current.
Does everybody know where the first aid kit is located? We had to use it a few weeks ago, so I hope everybody does know where it’s located.
Does everybody know where the park boundaries are? There is a map on the board.
Reminder, we have a fb, and YouTube page.
AMA magazine article. I wrote an article about the club workday and sent it into our Distrct 4 representative, Jay Marsh. It was published in the November issue of the AMA magazine under the District 4 column. (Hold up article)
Night flying. We have a ball flying at night. Can someone who flies at night regularly, can you explain what it was like to fly at night? We are running out of good weather for night flying, so if you want to come out, you better grab a plane quickly. Buy it from Amazon and get the warranty. It’s well worth the extra money.
Start thinking of goals you would like to see in 2025 and fly in dates for 2025. We will be discussing them at the next meeting.
The next meeting will be held on January 4th, location TBD. But if the weather is bad, it will be held again here at City BBQ.
Door prize time: t-shirt
In closing, we have a few members that are dealing with some health issues, and I ask you to keep them in your thoughts. Please keep the people of western NC in your thoughts as well. It’s still rough there, and there’s lots of people and pets still hurting. Also, remember, we all are dealing with something in our lives, and when we are here, those things are forgotten, even for a short period of time. So be kind to each other, and remember that words of encouragement, are better than words of criticism. We are a family, let me reiterate that word, FAMILY, and we all have the passion for RC planes and this awesome hobby we love. I wish each and everyone of you and Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. May Santa bring you the plane you were wanting and place it under your tree.
Comments: Jim Galuska mentioned how much his mother loved to come to the field and see everybody. She knew each of our names and had fond memories of each of us. She will leave a huge hole in a lot of our hearts and will truly be missed by all.
Motion to adjourn: Evan
Second: Ben
Meeting adjourned time: 1:06
Thank you.
November 9 2024 Time: 12:00 Members Present: 39
Good afternoon, I welcome you to the November FAPA Club Meeting and annual Veteran’s Warbird Fly in. I hope you have had a great month and have taken advantage of the great flying weather we have had. At this time, I would like to recognize the people have served our country so well and have kept our Freedom’s for us. I would like to ask all those that have served in the armed forces, to please stand at this time. Let us give these folks a hand for their service and dedication to this great country we live in.
I want to take this moment to recognize those who are visiting our field today for the fly in. I would ask you to please introduce yourselves and tell us where your field is located. We had 1 visitor by the name of Chris.
We certainly appreciate you for coming here today and supporting the Flying Aces.
We had a few new members join in the last couple of weeks. Are any of you folks here today? Please introduce yourselves: Phillip Peavy and Dave Phils
We certainly welcome you to the FAPA. There’s a great wealth of knowledge in this club, so if you have any questions, and need help with something, please don’t hesitate to ask anyone here for help.
October meeting review.
I’m not going to go over to much about last months meeting, as the notes are on the website. But I will say we have a great new FAPA board to serve you this year. We had a Zoom meeting on Wednesday night and a lot of great ideas have come from this meeting. I’ll have alittle bit more on this a later in my report.
So, for those who don’t know, your 2025 Board members are:
Vice President : Stephan Brown. (please stand)
Treasurer: Andy Dazzo
Secretary: Alvin Kitchen
Safety Officer: Ray Yuhasz
President: Jay Kuster
I want to thank these individuals for the service and dedication to the Flying Aces Pilots Association.
Just a reminder, for Andy and me, this will be our last year serving in our positions for the time being. We need a well-deserved break. That being said, we look for a great year, with growth of the club, great flying, and camaraderie, as all the board members do. So, you have 10 months to think about serving your club.
Club Officers Report:
V.P.: Stephan: Absent
Wings program:
Information cards:
Secretary: Alvin: No Report. Welcome to the Board.
Treasure: Andy:
The club is financially secure.
Safety Officer: Ray:
Fly behind the pilot’s stations, call take offs and landings and the direction you are performing said act. Call on the runway, crossing the runway, clear the runway. Make sure you say it loud enough so everybody can hear you. Do not stand on the taxiway while somebody is landing and taking off. No spectators beyond the fence line. Do not fly outside the park boundaries. DO NOT TAXI BACK TO THE PITS, PEROID. This rule is for both props and jets. Fail safe/throttle cut. If you don’t know how to program these items, ask somebody to help you. Communication is the key for everybody to be safe. Talk to each other. We are all safety officers, so don’t be afraid to say something, respectfully, if you see somebody doing something unsafe. DO NOT MAKE BURNER PASSES DOWN THE RUNWAY, ESPECIALLY IF OTHERS ARE IN THE PILOTS STATIONS. WE FLY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE RUNWAY. AND CALL THEM OUT IF YOUR NOT ALONE.
Presidents Report.
Let me start my portion of the meeting with a huge thank you to those individuals who give up their time to help organize and put on these fly ins for you. I had help with set up this morning, so thank you to Phillip, Joe, Andy, Terry, Ray, and Loren
For helping me get this area setup and tear down of this fly in.
And to the people who helped prepare and procure this delicious meal that was provide for us, Russ, Mike , Stephan, Jim and Jessica, thank you for all you do.
Terry, Jessica, and Andy for the raffle and registration, which is a thankless job. Thank you.
Joe, with the great raffle prize, Matt Springer and the gracious donation of this Cessna, by Stuart Sieg , in honor of his father, Ernie Seig. We truly appreciate all these donations to the club.
I held a Zoom Board meeting with the new board on Wednesday night. As I said, a lot of great ideas came from this meeting. We discussed on how to grow the club, both financially and membership wise. One way to do this is by developing a new website, which Stephan and Ben are currently working on. With the new website, we should get more movement on the web, giving us a better cyber footprint.
We discussed on a way to find out why members are not renewing their memberships. We discussed sending out a survey to see why, and where we need to improve to help keep our members.
We discussed a membership incentive to help drive our membership to increase. There’s a lot we still need to talk about on this, on how logistically we can get this done. More to come on this in the coming months. Adrian gave a promising update with the Sullinburger Aviation Museum. Hopefully we will be having a event there soon.
We would like to have a renewal notice sent out when it’s time to renew of park pass. We will talk to Neil about this and see if it is feasible.
We talked about more contests for our fly in’s and make sure these are projected to the public to help drive more our participation at the fly ins.
We talked about more workshops, tutorials, on all aspects of Rc plane flying. FPV, radio setup, etc…. We can do this at meetings; by utilizing our You Tube page, or and our new website.
And we talked about making a grass strip running parallel to our main runway. There’s lots to talk about on this, we have to talk to Wacama board to start with and see if the parks will even let us do this. This will be on us to take care and maintain, I.E. preparing the grass and cutting it.
As you can see, we are very transparent on the operation of this club, so if you have any questions, please see one of us.
Ben: You Tube/Key chain update.
YouTube: the channel is doing really well, we have 600 subscribers, with over 150,000 views.
Key Chains: we have sold 30 key chains and have 20 left.
Mowing equipment: I’m so glad that so many people have been using the mowing equipment to maintain our field, that’s awesome. But please leave the equipment as you found it. Blow the grass off the mower and weed eater and place the batteries on the charger or in their storage compartment on the equipment. Replace the string on the weedeater as well. This helps the next person start out right when they start cutting grass. And, if something happens to or breaks in the equipment, please let me or Joe know so we can get it repaired. The longer we take care of this equipment the longer it will last.
President authorized the purchase of a new blade and chute for mower. Joe where do we stand on getting this purchased? We are working on getting the quotes for new blades and shoot for mower.
Just a reminder, if a personnel item is not yours, please don’t use it without permission. Be respectful of other property.
Instructor Pilot Program:
We did have a new person train the last few weeks. Ben and Alvin were in touch with the young man, and I think Ben has been training him. So, the program is working.
John is going to have a training session with all the pilots soon, so everybody’s on the same page. I’m in the process of getting the transmitters software up to date.
I.P. instructors
John Westman , head of program.
Ben Vermeer (Youth Instructor)
Stephen Brown
Chris Dickerson
Alvin Kitchen
J.R. Russo
Non active member, Jimoh Ahmed and Anthony Durrah
Fria news: nothing new, except they are starting to enforce the Remote ID. So, if you don’t fly at a Fria site, you better have a Remote ID. There’s a YouTube video out explaining the fines that are being levied out. The channel name is Tim McKay. Evan brought up so points we have to follow while flying here. We need to do the following :
Have our name, AMA number on the inside of our planes, and display our FAA number on the outside of our planes. We need to become more diligent on this process.
CBL’s revisions. Be on the look out for a few changes to the CBL’s we need to make. I’ll be sending them out for everybody to look at so we can vote on the at the following month’s club meeting. It’s treasure things and some added amendments for the camera and such. Nothing earth shattering.
Club pamphlets, it’s a work in process. I’m accumulating material, I just need time to compete.
T-shirts. They look awesome, IMO. If you haven’t gotten one, you should while supplies last.
I want to hold our Frosty Dog fun fly on January 1st, again next year. Thoughts?
We will be having the Frosty Dog on January 1 2025. Coffee, hot chocolate and doughnuts will be provided by the club.
I don’t want to win the first crash of 2025 this year. Lol
Wacama Portion:
Windsock. Trey installed the small windsock on the bank across the runway. What is everybody’s thoughts?
The parks department filled in the potholes with asphalt. It looks amazing. They the going to fill in the low spot under the pavilion also.
One of the solar panels on the charging station has lost its output. Trey is working on getting it back online. So, let’s not over-amp our chargers until it’s repaired, please.
Wacama is just as concerned as we are about the dwindling membership of our hobby. We are down 45 members from this time last year. ( 165)
We had a plane go down in the dump area a week ago and hit the big green building. A landfill worker came over and asked we not fly over the dump. Trey went to the office to see what happened and the office manager said the pilot came over and told them what had happened. They have the pilots name and insurance information and was assured the damage would be covered. I don’t know if it was a plane failure, or they were just flying over there and lost it. Moral of the story is, stay inside the park boundaries. Trey, anything to add?
I had a conversation with a member last week, and he stated he went over and talked to the manager of the dump, and he told him, they didn’t mind us flying over the dump after the dump closes. Me personally, I do not fly over the dump.
For those who don’t know, your Wacama board members are:
Trey Chanter-President/Treasurer
FAPA board member-Russ Zich
FAPA board member – Andy Dazzo
FAPA board member/webmaster-Neil Liner
MCLS board member -Will Davis
MCLS board member-Max Flowe
As always, lock the gate if you are the last one out of the park. Roll the awning in and lock the handle into the charging station lock, so the handle doesn’t blow around and break off.
Requirements to fly at Waymer:
Park pass
FAA registration, and specking of this, I received my FAA renewal email last week, so I assume most everybody else will be getting their soon.
It’s getting to the time of year to renewing your AMA , so too a reminder, you have to have a current AMA to renew your park pass.
Neil has the new locks and keys are ready for the 2025 season. So now is the time to renew your membership. The locks and field camera code will be changed on February 1st.
Both the Wacama board and FAPA board have asked to have their books audited. Jays’ wife, Jessica has volunteered to do this and has started the Wacama books already. This should be done annually per of CBL’s
Is everybody getting the club emails through the new address? If not, check your spam folder. Neil is doing an excellent job in keeping the email list current.
Does everybody know where the first aid kit is located?
Does everybody know where the park boundaries are? There is a map on the board.
Reminder, we have a fb, and YouTube page.
AMA magazine article. I wrote an article about the club workday and sent it into our Distrct 4 representative, Jay Marsh. It was published in the November issue of the AMA magazine under the District 4 column. (Hold up article)
Night flying. We have a ball flying at night. Can someone who flies at night regularly, can you explain what it was like to fly at night? We are running out of good weather for night flying, so if you want to come out, you better grab a plane quickly. Buy it from Amazon and get the warranty. It’s well worth the extra money.
The next meeting will be held on Pearl Harbor Day, December 7th , location TBD. But if the weather is bad, it will be held at City BBQ.
In closing, we have a few members that are dealing with some health issues, and I ask you to keep them in your thoughts. Please keep the people of western NC in your thoughts as well. It’s still rough there, and there’s lots of people and pets still hurting. Also, remember, we all are dealing with something in our lives, and when we are here, those things are forgotten, even for a short period of time. So be kind to each other, and remember that words of encouragement, are better than words of criticism, and some of those words can be hurtful. We are a family, let me reiterate that word, FAMILY, and we all have the passion for RC planes and this awesome hobby we love.
Comments: on a sad note, Jim Galuska informed us the his mother, Josephine Eliuk passed away. We are sorry for her loss, but what a amazing life she has lived. She was almost 101 years old. We will add a plague to honor her on our members who have passed away, which is displayed on the information board at the field.
Motion to adjourn: Terry
Second: Ray Y
Meeting adjourned time: 12:35
Thank you.
October 5, 2024 Time: 12:10 Members Present: 20
As always, I welcome you to the October Election meeting of the Flying Aces Pilots Association. This has been a trying couple of weeks to say the least. I ask you keep your thoughts with people affected by the hurricane, both here in North Carolina, in Florida and Georgia as well. There is a lot of people hurting right now and need our support in the worst way. If you can donate to help out, I ask you please do so. Even a little, can go a long way.
Guests Present: None
Notes: None Present
No members present?
September meeting recap.
We as a club, presented a token of appreciation to Jim Gaulska for all his years of service and dedication to the club. We certainly appreciate all Jim has done for us, and mostly his friendship to all of us through the years.
We went over the club has a new email address on the website, eliminating the spam emails we get from the fellow officers asking for money, lol. It seems to be working well.
Neil and Stephan are working on updating our website, to get it more user friendly, and with new bells and whistles. Are there any updates on this?
Thank you to everyone who helped set up and tear down for the Jet Jam fun fly. And those who prepared the meal for us. I truly appreciate you all for stepping up and helping me accomplish this. It takes a village, not just one. I will have more on the Jet Jam fly in coming up.
We held nominations for the Officers for the 2025 Club year. We didn’t have very much interest in serving the club, which I hope that changes in the future. The nominations are.
President: Jay Kuster and Adrian Vermeire, which he respectfully declined at this time.
Vice President: Stephan Brown
Secretary: Alvin Kitchen
Treasurer: Andy Dazzo
Safety Officer: Ray Yuhasz
Wacama Representatives: Andy Dazzo and Russ Zich. We had a mix up last year, as Neil’s position is a permanent position, we were supposed to choose 2 last year. So, going forward, we will choose 2 each year.
The Wacama board will choose an “At Large” member also. My endorsement would be Trey again, since he has things running smoothly, and has great communication with Parks and Rec’s.
We will vote on this slate later in the meeting.
Officer Report:
V.P. Stephan:
Wings program,
Update on the new member/Fria box cards handouts? Working on them.
Secretary: Joe: No Report
I would like to personally thank Joe from the membership for all his hard work and dedication to the club. He does a lot behind the scenes, and I hope he knows how much it means to all of us. Thank you, Joe.
Treasurer: Andy updated the club on our balance as of this date
Fly in budgets numbers. Not good but we also had a poor number of pilots that turned out.
Safety Officer: Jimoh. We need to thank Jimoh for his dedication to the FAPA. I know he’s not been around a lot this year, but in the past years he has served the club well. Thank you, Jimoh.
Fly behind the pilot’s stations, call take offs and landings and the direction you are performing said act. Call on the runway, crossing the runway, clear the runway. Make sure you say it loud enough so everybody can hear you. Do not stand on the taxiway while somebody is landing and taking off. No spectators beyond the fence line. Do not fly outside the park boundaries. DO NOT TAXI BACK TO THE PITS, PEROID. This rule is for both props and jets. Fail safe/throttle cut. If you don’t know how to program these items, ask somebody to help you. Communication is the key for everybody to be safe. Talk to each other. We are all safety officers, so don’t be afraid to say something, respectfully, if you see somebody doing something unsafe. DO NOT MAKE BURNER PASSES DOWN THE RUNWAY, ESPECIALLY IF OTHERS ARE IN THE PILOTS STATIONS. WE FLY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE RUNWAY. AND CALL THEM OUT IF YOUR NOT ALONE.
Presidents report:
Jet Jam Fly in. We held our 3rd fun fly of the year on September 7. We had 15 paid pilots, and as Andy has mentioned, we lost money again on this one. That makes 4 in a row of losing money at these events. That is not a good business model. I am not sure how to get people to come out and support these events, I am out of ideas. But the work of holding these events is outweighing the amount of participation we are having, Imo. So, what is the solution, less raffle prize money, another food idea, which is more cost effective, not having but 3 events next year, I am open for suggestions. “send out questionnaire on what can draw interest from membership”
Potentially build a surface track to bring more interest. This is being brought up at the next Wacama board meeting.
Ben: You Tube/Key chain update. We have sold 27 key chains to date.
YouTube: the channel is doing really well, we have 194 subscribers, with over 100,000 views.
Key Chains: we have some left.
Mowing equipment: I’m so glad that so many people have been using the mowing equipment to maintain our field, that’s awesome. But please leave the equipment as you found it. Blow the grass off the mower and weed eater and place the batteries on the charger or in their storage compartment on the equipment. Replace the string on the weed eater as well. This helps the next person start out right when they start cutting grass. And, if something happens to or breaks in the equipment, please let me or Joe know so we can get it repaired. The longer we take care of this equipment the longer it will last.
President authorized the purchase of a new blade and chute for mower.
Just a reminder, if a personnel item is not yours, please don’t use it without permission. Be respectful of other property.
Instructor Pilot Program:
We did have a new person train the last few weeks. Ben and Alvin were in touch with the young man, and I think Ben has been training him. So, the program is working.
We have 2 new IP. Alvin Kitchen and JR Russo have volunteered to be in the program. John is going to have a training session with all the pilots soon, so everybody’s on the same page. I’m in the process of getting the transmitters software up to date.
I.P. instructors
John Westman , head of program.
Ben Vermeer (Youth Instructor)
Stephen Brown
Chris Dickerson
Alvin Kitchen
J.R. Russo
Non active member, Jimoh Ahmed and Anthony Durrah
Fria news: nothing new, except they are starting to enforce the Remote ID. So, if you don’t fly at a Fria site, you better have a Remote ID. There’s a YouTube video out explaining the fines that are being levied out. The channel name is Tim McKay.
CBL’s revisions. Be on the lookout for a few changes to the CBL’s we need to make. I’ll be sending them out for everybody to look at so we can vote on the at the following month’s club meeting. It’s treasure things and some added amendments for the camera and such. Nothing earth shattering.
Club pamphlets, it’s a work in process. I’m accumulating material, I just need time to compete.
T-shirts. Our Warbird fly in t-shirts are completed. I think they turned out wonderful. (Hold it up). The cost will be $25.00 and can be bought at the Warbird fly in, and not before. It’s easier bookkeeping wise to do it then.
Speaking of the November 9th Veterans Warbird Fly In, I need a budget for this event to purchase the raffle prizes. I know we just had a doom and gloom budget report, but keep in mind this is our most attended fly in of the year, and is a sanctioned event, as well.
Motion $ 400.00 by Terry
Second: J.B.
All in favor: motion passed.
Election Time:
I’m going to read the nominees again.
President: Jay Kuster
Vice President: Stephan Brown
Secretary: Alvin Kitchen
Treasuer: Andy Dazzo
Safety Officer: Ray Yuhasz
Wacama representative: Andy Dazzo and Russ Zich
Since we have no opposed position, can I have a motion to accept the slate as stated:
Motion: Neil
Second: Terry
All in favor: all in favor All opposed: no opposition.
Congratulations to your new 2025 Flying Aces Pilot Association Board.
Now that is complete, just a reminder, for Andy and me, this will be our last year serving in our positions for the time being. We need a well-deserved break. That being said, we look for a great year, with growth of the club, great flying, and camaraderie, as all the board members do.
We will be preparing a cheat sheet as the year goes by to help with the transition to next year’s President and Treasurer. So, if you’re interested, start picking our brains on what this position intel.
Wacama portion.
Windsocks, I’m thinking of adding a small one on the bank across the runway. It will be around 3’ tall above the bank. Making it harder to hit. Thoughts: we will purchase a small wind sock and try it out. It can always be removed.
Trey is working with parks to get the railings repaired at the gate and maybe getting the potholes repaired in the drive. Any updates? The parks dept will be filling the potholes in the near further, as well as adding gravel to the low side of the pavilion.
We had a plane go down in the dump area a week ago and hit the big green building. A landfill worker came over and asked we not fly over the dump. Trey went to the office to see what happened and the office manager said the pilot came over and told them what had happened. They have the pilots name and insurance information and was assured the damage would be covered. I don’t know if it was a plane failure, or they were just flying over there and lost it. Moral of the story is, stay inside the park boundaries. Trey, anything to add?
I had a conversation with a member last week, and he stated he went over and talked to the manager of the dump, and he told him, they didn’t mind us flying over the dump after the dump closes. Me personally, I do not fly over the dump. Please stay away from flying outside the Park set field boundaries! We don’t want to lose our field and our flying privileges.
For those who don’t know, your Wacama board members are:
Trey Chanter-President/Treasurer
FAPA board member-Russ Zich
FAPA board member – Andy Dazzo
FAPA board member/webmaster-Neil Liner
MCLS board member -Will Davis
MCLS board member-Max Flowe
Any other Wacama News: Wacama board Zoom meeting on October 23.
As always, lock the gate if you are the last one out of the park. Roll the awning in and lock the handle into the charging station lock, so the handle doesn’t blow around and break off.
Requirements to fly at Waymer:
Park pass
FAA registration, and specking of this, I received my FAA renewal email last week, so I assume most everybody else will be getting their soon.
It’s getting to the time of year to renewing your AMA, so as a reminder, you have to have a current AMA to renew your park pass.
Is everybody getting the club emails through the new address? If not, check your spam folder. Neil is doing an excellent job in keeping the email list current.
Does everybody know where the first aid kit is located?
Does everybody know where the park boundaries are? There is a map on the board.
Reminder, we have a Facebook and YouTube page.
AMA magazine article. I wrote an article about the club workday and sent it into our district 4 representative, Jay Marsh. He’ stated he wants to use it in the January magazine, since it deals with AMA grant time period. So, we shall see…
Night flying. We have a ball flying at night. We had 8 or 9 fliers last week. So, someone who was there can you explain what it was like to fly at night? We are running out of good weather for night flying, so if you want to come out, you better grab a plane quickly. Buy it from Amazon and get the warranty. It’s well worth the extra money.
Statesville Model Flyer Fall Fun Fly (hold up flyer)
Saturday, October 12
222 John Long Rd.
Statesville NC 28625
We should take some people up to this event to promote ourselves and support their club.
Does anybody want to go? I do
Nall in the Fall is going on now thru 11th. If you haven’t seen it, you really should try and make it down there. I know Triple Tree has some challenges with the hurricane, but the event is still on.
The next meeting will be held on November 2nd, location TBD. But if the weather is bad, it will be held at City BBQ.
In closing, we have a few members that are dealing with some health issues, and I ask you to keep them in your thoughts. Also, remember, we all are dealing with something in our lives, and when we are here, those things are forgotten, even for a short period of time. So be kind to each other, and remember that words of encouragement, are better than words of criticism, and some of those words can be hurtful. We are a family, let me reiterate that word, FAMILY, and we all have the passion for RC planes and this awesome hobby we love.
Motion to adjourn: Terry
Second: Ray Y
Meeting adjourned time: 1:18
Thank you.
September 7, 2024 Time: 12:19 Members Present: 25
Good afternoon, and welcome to the September Club Nomination meeting of the Flying Aces Pilots Association. I’m so happy to see everybody here and participating in the 2024 Jet Jam fly in. I hope you and yours are doing well and have had a great month. We have lots to cover so let’s go!
Guests, do we have any guests present today? If so, please introduce yourselves. We hope that FAPA and Waymer can be the flying home you’re looking for.
Do we have any new members present? If so, please introduce yourselves: welcome to the FAPA.
August meeting recap:
I hope you are reading the posted notes on the website. Joe does a phenomenal job at getting them taken and posted promptly.
We budgeted $400 for the Jet Jam fly in. Joe has bought us something special for this one. We need to thank Joe for all he does for us. I never have to worry about what he’s getting for us.
T-shirts. We voted to have t-shirts made for the sanctioned November 9th, Veterans Warbird fly in. I have a rendering of what I came up with for a design. Do you like it? Yes/no.
I don’t have financials as of yet on costs. I’ll have that after we approve the design.
Notes: cost of t-shirts are $15.00 ea.
We voted to have new member/Fria box cards made to hand out to new members. Stephen is working on these and should have them ready shortly. I’ll hang a small box on a pole for them to be placed in.
Pamphlets. We’re decided to make a trifold pamphlet explaining who we are and what we do. These can be handed out at school, hobby shops, etc… Jay has a friend who is going to get them designed for us as soon as he gets her the info, pictures, wording, etc.. He hopes to have something for us to look at by next meeting.
Officers Report.
V.P. Stephen: absent
Wings Program:
Secretary, Joe: Joe has decided to not seek reelection for his position. Joe has done everything I’ve ever asked him to do, without hesitation. His contributions to this club go beyond just being an Officer. So, Joe, we thank you for all you do.
Treasure, Andy: Checking balance was reported.
Andy reported the Cash app is working really well.
Safety Officer, Jimoh. Absent Jimoh has decided to not seek re-election for safety Officer. We also, need to thank him for all he has done for your club.
Fly behind the pilot’s stations, call take offs and landings and the direction you are performing said act. Call on the runway, crossing the runway, clear the runway. Make sure you say it loud enough so everybody can hear you. Do not stand on the taxiway while somebody is landing and taking off. No spectators beyond the fence line. Do not fly outside the park boundaries. DO NOT TAXI BACK TO THE PITS, PEROID. This rule is for both props and jets. Fail safe/throttle cut. If you don’t know how to program these items, ask somebody to help you. Communication is the key for everybody to be safe. Talk to each other. We are all safety officers, so don’t be afraid to say something, respectfully, if you see somebody doing something unsafe. DO NOT MAKE BURNER PASSES DOWN THE RUNWAY, ESPECIALLY IF OTHERS ARE IN THE PILOTS STATIONS. WE FLY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE RUNWAY. AND CALL THEM OUT IF YOUR NOT ALONE.
President’s Report:
I’m (Jay) going to start of my portion with some good news. With this position, there’s a lot of ups and downs with presiding over this club. This is one of the times I’m glad I’m presiding. I was talking to a gentleman a few months ago about some of the old-time members that have passed on. That conversation got me thinking about the history of FAPA and what all these members have brought to and done for this club. We have a member with us, that has been a member of this club since the beginning or close to the beginning. He started flying over at the speedway with Humpy, Evan, Terry, and some of you others. He’s held all the positions in this club, numerous times, and is always willing to help out as he can. The best part is, I get to call him my friend. Call Jim up.
This award is presented to you for your dedication to the Flying Aces all these years. You are a friend to us all.
The award says: Jim Galuska
For the years of dedication and service to the Flying Aces Pilots Association
August 3, 2024.
Take picture
Thank you again, Jim for all you have done, and continue to do for the Flying Aces.
New Board email on the website. As you might have noticed, there’s only one email for Club officers on the website now. We were constantly getting spam emails asking for Andy to send money to somebody. Now, the only email is the club email for contacting the club.
Neil and Stephen are working together to update our website and get it more user friendly and with new bells and whistles.
Ben: You Tube/Key chain update. I need a new picture of the field from above.
YouTube: the channel is doing really well, with over 75,000 views so far.
Key Chains: we have 25 left.
Mowing equipment: I’m so glad that so many people have been using the mowing equipment to maintain our field, that’s awesome. But please leave the equipment as you found it. Blow the grass off the mower and weed eater and place the batteries on the charger or in their storage compartment on the equipment. Replace the string on the weed eater as well. This helps the next person start out right when they start cutting grass. The longer we take care of this equipment the longer it will last.
Just a reminder, if a personnel item is not yours, please don’t use it without permission. Be respectful of other property.
Instructor Pilot Program:
We have 2 new IP. Alvin Kitchen and JR Russo have volunteered to be in the program. John is going to have a training session with all the pilots soon, so everybody’s on the same page. I’m in the process of getting the transmitters software up to date.
I.P. instructors
John Westman , head of program.
Ben Vermeer (Youth Instructor)
Stephen Brown
Chris Dickerson
Alvin Kitchen
J.R. Russo
Non active member, Jimoh Ahmed and Anthony Durrah
Fria news: nothing new, except they are starting to enforce the Remote ID. So, if you don’t fly at a Fria site, you better have a Remote ID. There’s a YouTube video out explaining the fines that are being levied out. The channel name is Tim McKay.
CBL’s revisions. Be on the lookout for a few changes to the CBL’s we need to make. Jay will be sending them out for everybody to look at so we can vote on the at the following month’s club meeting. It’s treasure things and some added amendments for the camera and such. Nothing earth shattering.
Before we get into the election portion of the meeting, there’s a few people I need to thank for making this fly-in happen. Joe, Terry, Russ, Jessica, Ray, J.R, and Trey
And I need to thank Alvin, Ray W and Jake for helping out with field repairs and mowing. The field really looks great.
Thank you too whoever hauled the old pilot stations off. The Conex area looks so much better with them gone.
Lastly, I need to thank Tim Harren, JR Russo, Trey, Dwayne Cashion, Mike S and Evan for donating the raffle prizes for this event.
Nominations for 2025 Club officers: criteria for holding an office is you must be a member for a calendar year before you can run for office. Now is the time to serve your Club.
Vice President:
Stephan has decided to re-run for his position. And other nominations?
Secretary: Joe has decided not to rerun for his position. He has done an excellent job with keeping the notes on the website up to date and making sure the meeting notes are published in a timely manner. This is the most difficult position to hold, IMO. We need to thank him for his hard work in dedication to this club.
Nominations: Alvin Kitchen
Treasure: Drew has decided to re-run for his position. Drew has done an excellent job as treasure. He has things in order and running smoothly. We appreciate you for all you do.
Any other nominations: Andy Dazzo
Safety Officer: Jimoh has decided not to seek re-election for his position as safety officer. We appreciate his work and dedication to the club.
Nominations: Ray Yuhasz
President: I will re-run for a final year as your president if nominated. I’ve enjoyed being your President and I’ve checked a lot of boxes off, improvement wise, I wanted to see happen at the field.
Nominations: Adrain Vermeire (declined) Jay
We need nominations for 2 members of Waymer Board of Directors.
Trey and Russ are our representatives now and do a great job.
Nominations: Russ Zich, Andy Dazzo
Ok, we thank all the nominations for accepting their nominations. Just a reminder, the election will be held at next month’s meeting here at the field. If you cannot be here, you can vote by mail in voting. Just contact me and I see your vote is cast.
Wacama portion.
Windsocks, Trey replaced both the windsocks, and they look great and are much easier to see.
Trey is working with parks to get the railings repaired at the gate and maybe getting the potholes repaired in the drive. Any updates?
They did spray roundup around the property. It looks like it needs it again with all the rain we’ve had lately.
We had a plane go down in the dump area a week ago and hit the big green building. A landfill worker came over and asked we not fly over the dump. Trey went to the office to see what happened and the office manager said the pilot came over and told them what had happened. They have the pilots name and insurance information and was assured the damage would be covered. I don’t know if it was a plane failure, or they were just flying over there and lost it. Moral of the story is, stay inside the park boundaries. Trey, anything to add?
Neil replaced the lock on the Conex as the old one was getting sticky.
For those who don’t know, your Wacama board members are:
Trey Chanter-President/Treasurer
FAPA board member-Russ Zich
FAPA board member/webmaster-Neil Liner
MCLS board member -Will Davis
MCLS board member-Max Flowe
Any other Wacama News:
As always, lock the gate if you are the last one out of the park. Roll the awning in and lock the handle into the charging station lock, so the handle doesn’t blow around and break off.
Requirements to fly at Waymer:
Park pass
FAA registration
Is everybody getting the club emails through the new address?
Does everybody know where the first aid kit is located?
Does everybody know where the park boundaries are? There is a map on the board.
Reminder, we have a FB, and YouTube page.
Update. Charlotte Aeromodellers have found a new property for a new field. I’m hearing it’s pretty close to the old one, and the new one will be better than the old one.
AMA magazine article. I wrote an article about the club workday and sent it into our district 4 representative, Jay Marsh. He s stated he wants to use it in the January magazine, since it deals with AMA grant time period. So, we shall see…
Night flying. We have a ball flying at night. We had a new flyer last week, Scott can you explain what it was like for your first time? We are running out of good weather for night flying, so if you want to come out, you better grab a plane quickly.
Statesville Model Flyer Fall Fun Fly (hold up flyer)
Saturday, October 12
222 John Long Rd.
Statesville NC 28625
We should take some people up to this event to promote ourselves and support their club.
Elections will be held on October 5th meeting. The meeting location will be here at the field or City BBQ, depending on the weather.
In closing, we have a few members that are dealing with some health issues, and I ask you to keep them in your thoughts. Also, remember, we all are dealing with something in our lives, and when we are here, those things are forgotten, even for a short period of time. So be kind to each other, we are all family when we are here.
Comments: Nall in the Fall is October 4 thru 11.
Motion to adjourn: Ben V.
Second: Matt S.
Meeting adjourned time: 1:05
Thank you.
Raffle Time!
June 1, 2024 FAPA MEETING Time: 12:16
Members Present: 27
Jay intro:
Welcome to the June Meeting of the Flying Aces Pilots Association. I hope you and yours are doing well. Hopefully, we are behind the rainy season, and we can start flying like we should be. Let us remember, what happened later this week, on June 6, 1944. 8-my ears ago, those brave men and women of our armed forces, began the liberation of Europe from tyranny. My uncle was in the 325th Glider Infantry of the 82nd Airborne Division. These men and women truly are the Greatest Generation. Unfortunately, the school systems don’t teach in school anymore, what these men went through for our freedom, which is a same.
As always, we welcome our guest that are here present with us, and hope FAPA and Waymer can be the flying home you are looking for. Do we have any quest present: (please introduce yourselves) None present
Do we have any new members present? We welcome you and please introduce yourselves.
Gabriel, new member for 3 weeks. James and his family. We welcome you to FAPA.
Mays meeting recap:
Let me start with the field maintenance day we had last Saturday, April 27th. What can I say, but I’m proud of all the work we accomplished in such a short amount of time.
For those who haven’t seen the improvements, we installed the six remaining pilot’s stations, repaired the taxiway, which was a major undertaking, led by Jimoh, Joe weedeat’d the whole runway, taxiway, and pavilion. The grass was mowed, we filled holes in grass, and did numerous other tasks to make our field look amazing! We had over 30 people come out the help, with so not even members. We had people from MCLS helping us, that’s teamwork. We had lunch, lots of laughs, and a general good time, even while working. Special Thanks to Alvin for renting us the auger. This saved us a tremendous of time and less hurt backs with his generous donation to the club.
Trey sent an email to the head of Parks detailing all our accomplishments, and he was impressed by our dedication to our field. I’ll have some more info on Parks in the Wacama portion of the meeting.
What else can I say, except if you couldn’t make it to the workday, please thank those who work so diligently to make our field the best one around.
On a personal note, you all made me very proud with your work ethic and dedication to the Flying Aces. (hold up drink and salute them)
I’ll be adding the plaques this week to complete the stations. Again, thank you to everybody who sponsored the cost of the stations. I added the plaques on 5-25-24 if you haven’t seen them yet. They are the icing on the cake for our new Pilots stations.
Old School Fly In was on May 25th. The schedule was the same with the swap meet. The landing fee was $15.00. Were able to use the Cash App to pay for landing fee, and raffle tickets etc.
Generous helpers arrived early to help set up and tear down for the fun fly.
Club Officer report.
V.P. Stephan: Wings program read off the Wings Program check sheet to the membership.
We have 25 to 30 pilots complete the wings program.
How many wings have we given out:
Has the IP pilots had the wings check sheet?
Secretary: Joe: No Report
Treasurer: Drew: Reported our cash balance in the account.
Cash App is: Zelle, Venmo
Safety Officer: Jimoh: absent
Jay reports,
Fly behind the pilot’s stations, call take offs and landings and the direction you are performing said act. Call on the runway, crossing the runway, clear the runway. Make sure you say it loud enough so everybody can hear you. Do not stand on the taxiway while somebody is landing and taking off. No spectators beyond the fence line. Do not fly outside the park boundaries. DO NOT TAXI BACK TO THE PITS, PEROID. This rule is for both props, jets and now Heli’s. Fail safe/throttle cut. If you don’t know how to program these items, ask somebody to help you. Communication is the key for everybody to be safe. Talk to each other. We are all safety officers, so don’t be afraid to say something, respectfully, if you see somebody doing something unsafe. DO NOT MAKE BURNER PASSES DOWN THE RUNWAY, ESPECIALLY IF OTHERS ARE IN THE PILOTS STATIONS. WE FLY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE RUNWAY. AND CALL THEM OUT IF YOUR NOT ALONE.
Presidents Report:
Old school fly in. First off, I want to thank everybody who helped with the set up and take down the set up. Chef Russ cooked by himself and did an amazing job as always. Without him, we would have been in big trouble. We need to thank Jim, Joe, Drew, Jessica, Stephen also for their dedication to the club. If there’s anybody I missed, I apologize and thank you as well. I think it turned out well. Everybody seemed to have a great time.
Now, here comes the unfortunate side of it. The Fly-in was sparsely attended, which is disappointing by the amount of work we put into these events. This was the least attended Fly-in since I’ve been keeping records. We only had 14 pilots. That’s not good. Hopefully, in the future we can get our numbers back up to where they should be.
The financials: we lost $126.82 in staples, plus the cost of the raffle prize, which was $500.00, for a total of -$626.82. That’s a significant hit to our treasury. Going forward, we are going to have to start thinking about if we still want to have these events or drop our costs for raffle prizes. This business model is not very lasting.
Questions: a question was asked about getting a freezer for the Conex. After much discussion, it was tabled to next month.
Moving on:
June 8th night fly in, which is next Saturday. I’ve made the executive decision to have pizza and wings brought in, instead of cooking. It’s too much work to cook. We have our raffle prize, which is pretty cool. Those attending might want to bring an extra receiver with you in case you win it! Hint, it glows in the dark. Lol, the landing fee will be $15.00 which includes your dinner. Will start at 5:00 so we can get some other flying in and then make our pizza order around 6:00ish.
Ben is working on a video of our field to be used on our website and YouTube now that our work is done at the field. He will be making a club you tube page as well. We need to figure something’s out on how to post on it, but it’s in the works.
Ben’s project. Challenge coins/key chains. Ben brought an idea for a fundraiser for the club. To have coins or key chains made with the club and Wacama logo on it.
Motion: Evan made a motion to have Ben head up a group to investigate the club buying 50 key chains to resell and make a profit for the club. The cost of the mold fee is $195.00, with each key chain costing $2.52 each. Total will be $321.00
Second: Ray W.
Vote: all in favor.
After discussion it was decided to proceed with the purchase of 50key chains.
Second Motion: Evan made a motion for Ben to purchase 50 Club approved key chains to purchase to make a profit for the club.
Second: Terry
Vote: all in favor.
Reminder of the night fun fly on the last Saturday of every month, weather permitting. Now that hockey is over, I’ll will be able to attend.
Some bad news, our Grant proposal to the AMA was denied because of lack of funds. Evidently, the AMA was overwhelmed with grant request, we just didn’t make the final percentile. We can try again next year.
FRIA/IP news:
We have a new, potentially, head of our Instructor Pilots Program. John Westman has volunteered to lead the program. I would like him to touch base with all the instructors so he can get it to speed with the program. We appreciate John for taking this on.
Our IP pilots are:
Jimoh Ahmed
Stephan Brown
Chris Dickerson
Ben Vermeire (Young Instructor)
I’ve stated to John, I would like to have a few more qualified IP pilots in the program. If you would like a copy of the FAPA Instructor Guide, see me or John.
FRIA news:
For those who don’t know, I’m the contact for FRIA news with the AMA now. They just sent out a email stating the President just signed the FAA’s Re-authorization Bill into law. I’m going to read what the AMA sent out about this:
AMA AED grant program. AMA is setting up a grant of $200 max to help cover the cost of a AED. We would have to buy AED first and then submit the paperwork. A basic AED cost around $1800.00 with the cabinet. Is this something we would like to pursue? I’m all for it, but I think it would get stolen at night out here. IMO.
Wacama Report:
We have lots of new info from Wacama. I went over these at last month’s meeting, so if you were there, you can take a nap for a few minutes.
On April 20, Trey and Neil met with Michael Campbell and Chris Hunter from the Parks department. Numerous issues were discussed, with the runway, taxiway, driveway, safety items discussed.
This was the first meeting between the 2 in numerous years and was a very productive meeting. I’ll get a little more detailed into what was discussed.
Taxiway: the lawn care company will roundup a 6” border around the taxiway and runway. Hopefully, with our upgrades and this happening, the mowers should not hit our taxiways again.
Driveway: as you have seen, they have brought us gravel dust to our driveway and spread it out. He put some by the lip on the pavilion, so there’s no trip hazard anymore. Trey had the dump bring their water truck over and wet down our gravel dust, so it’s like concrete now. We certainly thank him and the dump for doing this for us.
They also brought us our sand for the taxiway repair. All this happen within a couple of days of the meeting. So kudos to Parks management for their fast action.
Trey brought up our fiasco with getting medical here quickly with Alvin’s injury. They are contacting EMS and the Com Center and making sure they know our exact location.
Parks is going to replace the signs leading into the park with new signage. This will include our logo, MCLS logo, Wacama logo, and FRIA logo.
Runway: they are bringing in the contractor who repaired the runway last time to look at our cracks and get a game plan on how to repair them.
They were impressed with our taxiway install, but they might be able to make it even better. Michael stated that they will add to the 2025 budget to pave our taxiways! This will be awesome if they can make that happen.
So, what does this all mean? It means they are happy with our club, and our future looks great at this location.
On April 22 the Wacama board held a zoom meeting to discuss numerous things, mostly what I just covered, but the main reason was to replace Evan, who offered his resignation on the Wacama board. An individual approached me, volunteering to be a replacement. I took this person’s name to the FAPA board, per our Club By-Laws and we approved him as a replacement. We unanimously voted for Russ Zich to serve out the remainder of Evans term. Do welcome Russ to the Wacama board.
Wacama Board members are:
President/Treasure -Trey Chanter
FAPA board member -Russ Zich
FAPA board member /webmaster -Neil Liner
MCLS member- Will Davis
MCLS member-Max Flowe
No other Wacama news to report?
As always, they would like us to lock the gate coming and leaving the field. Also, roll in the awning and lock the awning handle in the lock so it doesn’t blow around in the wind and break off.
Requirements to fly at Waymer:
Park passes.
FAA registration.
Make sure your aircraft have your appropriate information on the inside and outside per the FAA regulation.
I’m hearing not everybody knows about the Trust and FAA registration. It is needed to fly here.
The fence at the road has been vandalized and parts of it removed so it can be driven through. Parks has been notified and planning on repairing the fence.
Is everyone getting my Jay’s emails?
Does everyone know where the first aid kit is located?
Does everyone know where the park boundaries are? Map is on the bulletin board.
Next meeting will be held on July 6 th , at noon, at the field. V.P. Stephen will be presiding over the meeting. I’ll be working on my tan, in Florida.
In closing, we have a few members that are having some health issues, and I ask you keep them in your thoughts.
Motion to adjourn: Terry
Second: Ben
Meeting adjourned time: 1:10
Thank you.
May 4, 2024. Time: 12:15 Members Present: 10
May the 4th be with you! Welcome to the May meeting of the Flying Aces Pilots Association. As you can see, Mother Nature has thrown us a curve ball again, and we had to postpone our scheduled fly in today. Hopefully, our luck will change be soon. Jay had to schedule it weeks out because of work and travel schedule for me. The new date is May 25. The schedule will remain the same as posted.
As always, we welcome our guest that are present today, and hope the FAPA, and Waymer can be the flying home you are looking for. No Guest Present:
Do we have any new members present? We welcome you and please introduce yourselves.
April’s meeting recap:
We assume everybody has read the minutes from April’s meeting; it’s attached to the meeting notice email.
High notes.
We had a cookout at the April meeting, we wish we had more attendees, but we had a good time.
Joe nominated Jessica to become an honorary member of FAPA for all the work she does behind the scenes and at the fly in supporting the club. This motion was seconded, voted on, and approved. She was touched by this honor. Thank you from Jay to Joe, and everybody else who made this possible.
We talked about the postponed Old School fly in and the new date, which was today.
Club Officer report.
V.P. Stephan: Wings program read off the Wings Program check sheet to the membership.
How many wings have we given out:
Has the IP pilots had the wings check sheet?
No report, but Stephen wanted to remind everyone to get your wings asap.
Secretary: Joe: No Report
Treasurer Drew: Account balance was reported. Andy stated the Cash App is working well and would like to add Venmo and Zelle.
Safety Officer Jimoh: No Report, Jimoh was absent.
Fly behind the pilot’s stations, call take offs and landings and the direction you are performing said act. Call on the runway, crossing the runway, clear the runway. Make sure you say it loud enough so everybody can hear you. Do not stand on the taxiway while somebody is landing and taking off. No spectators beyond the fence line. Do not fly outside the park boundaries. DO NOT TAXI BACK TO THE PITS, PEROID. This rule is for both props and jets. Fail safe/throttle cut. If you don’t know how to program these items, ask somebody to help you. Communication is the key for everybody to be safe. Talk to each other. We are all safety officers, so don’t be afraid to say something, respectfully, if you see somebody doing something unsafe. DO NOT MAKE BURNER PASSES DOWN THE RUNWAY, ESPECIALLY IF OTHERS ARE IN THE PILOTS STATIONS. WE FLY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE RUNWAY. AND CALL THEM OUT IF YOUR NOT ALONE.
Presidents Report:
Jay started with the field maintenance day we had last Saturday, April 27th. He’s very proud of all the work we accomplished in such a short amount of time.
For those who haven’t seen the improvements, we installed the six remaining pilots’ stations, repaired the taxiway, which was a major undertaking, led by Jimoh, weedeated the whole runway, taxiway, and pavilion. The grass was mowed, we filled holes in grass, and did numerous other tasks to make our field look amazing! We had over 30 people come out the help, with so not even members. We had people from MCLS helping us, that’s teamwork. We had lunch, lots of laughs, and a general good time, even while working. Special Thanks to Alvin for renting us the auger. This saved us lots of time and less hurt backs with his generous donation to the club.
Trey sent an email to the head of Parks detailing all our accomplishments, and he was impressed by our dedication to our field. Jay will update more info on Parks & Recreations in the Wacama portion of the meeting.
For those that were unable to attend please thank those who work so diligently to make our field the best one around.
On a personal note, “you all made me very proud with your work ethic and dedication to the Flying Aces.” (hold up drink and salute them)
Jay will be adding the plaques this week to complete the stations. Again, thank you to everybody who sponsored the cost of the stations.
Old School Fly In. As stated before, the new date is May 25th. The schedule is the same with the swap meet still happening. The landing fee is $15.00. We will be able to use the Cash App to pay for landing fee, and raffle tickets.
We need help setting up and tearing down for the funfly. An email will be sent out closer to the date for volunteers.
June 8th night fly in. What’s your thoughts on the meal for the fly in since we just cooked 2 weeks prior? Food truck idea, the vendors didn’t want to do it. So, do we cook, get pizza, and other ideas? Will discuss on June 1st meeting, but Pizza and Wings will probably be what we do.
Ben is working on a video of our field to be used on our website and You tube now that our work is done at the field.
Reminder of the night fun fly on the last Saturday of every month, weather permitting.
Some bad news, our Grant proposal to the AMA was denied because of lack of funds. Evidently, the AMA was overwhelmed with grant request, we just didn’t make the final percentile. We can try again next year.
Fria/Instructor Pilots Program.
As most of you have heard by now, Evan has taken a break from RC for awhile, and has asked to be removed from any club positions. So, we’re looking for a new head of the Instructors Pilots program. In the meantime, we’ve asked Neil to remove his name and email address from the website and have added Jay’s too it. Jay will schedule new pilots with instructors until a new lead can be found.
Wacama Notes:
We have lots of new info from Wacama.
On April 20, Trey and Neil met with Michael Campbell and Chris Hunter from the Parks department. Numerous issues were discussed, with the runway, taxiway, driveway, safety items discussed.
This was the first meeting between the 2 in numerous years and was a very productive meeting. We’ll get a little more detailed into what was discussed.
Taxiway: the lawn care company will roundup a 6” border around the taxiway and runway. Hopefully, with our upgrades and this happening, the mowers should not hit our taxiways again.
Driveway: as you have seen, they have brought us gravel dust to our driveway and spread it out. He put some by the lip on the pavilion, so there’s no trip hazard anymore. Trey had the dump bring their water truck over and wet down out gravel dust, so it’s like concrete now. We certainly thank him and the dump for doing this for us.
They also brought us our sand for the taxiway repair. All this happen within a couple of days of it meeting. So, kudos to Parks management for their fast action.
Trey brought up our fiasco with getting medical here quickly with Alvin’s injury. They are contacting EMS and the Com Center and making sure they know our exact location.
Parks is going to replace the signs leading into the park with new signage. This will include our logo, MCLS logo, Wacama logo, and Fria logo.
Runway: they are bringing in the contractor who repaired the runway last time to look at our cracks and get a game plan on how to repair them.
They were impressed with our taxiway install, but they might be able to make it even better. Michael stated that they will add to the 2025 budget to pave our taxiways! This will be awesome if they can make that happen.
So, what does this all mean? It means they are happy with us, and our future looks great at this location.
On April 22 the Wacama board held a zoom meeting to discuss numerous things, mostly what Jay has covered, but main reason was to replace Evan on the Wacama board. So how does that happen? An individual approached me, volunteering to be a replacement. I took this person’s name to the FAPA board per our club By Laws and we approved him as a replacement. So, we unanimously voted for Russ Zich to serve out the remainder of Evans term. Do welcome Russ to the Wacama board.
Along those lines, as I stated before, Evan has requested to be removed from all positions within the club. So, he has been removed from the AMA Fria representative and my name was added to replace him.
This has been a trying month for me personally with these changes, but we must respect his wishes and move forward with the club.
Your new Wacama Board members are as follows:
President/Treasure -Trey
Fapa board member -Russ Zich
FAPA board member /webmaster -Neil
MCLS member- Will
MCLS member-Max
Any other Wacama news?
As always, they would like us to lock the gate coming and leaving the field. Also, roll in the awning and lock the awning handle in the lock so it doesn’t blow around in the wind and break off.
Requirements to fly at Waymer:
Park passes.
FAA registration.
Is everybody getting my emails?
Does everybody know where the first aid kit is located?
Does everybody know where the park boundaries are? Map on board.
Reminder of our FB page.
Next meeting will be held on June 1st, at noon, at the field.
In closing, we have a few members that are having some health issues, and I ask you keep them in your thoughts.
Comments: Ben and Jake were commended by Andy for their work ethic at the field workday.
The field camera has been repaired. It just needed a manual reset of the camera.
Concerns: None
Motion to adjourn: Ben
Second: Andy
Meeting adjourned time: 12:46
Thank you.
April 6th 2024 12:15PM
18 Members in attendance.
3 Officers: Jay Kuster (President), Stephan Brown (Vice-President) and Joe Klabnik (Secretary). Jimoh and Andrew were absent.
0 Guest
1, Jay reviewed the minutes from the March meeting.
A. We received a $ 350 AMA grant for field improvements that is presently being processed.
B. Wacama also made a pledge of $600 toward field improvements.
C. There were 7 club members that donated $100 each that actually paid in full for the materials to make and install the new pilot stations. These will be installed during out April 27th field maintenance day.
D. $500 was provided for the prizes for the April fun-fly which had to be postponed until May 4th unfavorable weather conditions.
Officers Report New News:
2, Jay reports that the board had canceled the Old School fun-fly and was being rescheduled for May 4th.
A. $15 landing fee.
B. Evan showed the plaques that were made that will be placed on
the pilot stations for those that donated the $100ea. which paid for
the stations.
3, Terry is working on the FRIA decal for the field.
4, Ben is preparing a field video of the park and club flying site to post
on our Facebook page.
5, Reminder of the night fly’s that happen the last Saturday of every month.
6, Update on flying outside of a FRIA site without a transponder could fetch you a $27K fine!
3, Stephan reviewed and reported that the Pilot program is still ongoing
but is moving slow. If you haven’t already participated in this, please consider it. It is just a safety review of setup and flying safely.
4, Joe, nothing to report.
5, Jay gave the financial report as Andrew was unable to attend.
7, Evan, Horizon is having a huge sale now, check it out!
8, Terry, proposed the possibility of having a meeting @ the Carolina Aerospace Museum. Terry will check into this.
8, Evan proposed to check into the possibility of having the taxiway paved.
Next Meeting: May 4th.
Evan made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Terry 2nd the motion, motion passed.
March 2, 2024 Time: 12:11
Members Present 23
As always, I welcome you to the March meeting of the Flying Aces Pilots Association. I hope you and yours are doing well. Hopefully, Spring is right around the corner, and the flying season will be upon us soon.
As always, we welcome our guests that are here today, and hope FAPA and Waymer can be the flying home you are looking for. Guests present: none present.
Do we have any new member’s present? We welcome you and please introduce yourselves:
Notes: none present.
February meeting recap:
I assume everybody has read the minutes from the last meeting that was attached to the meeting notice email?
I’ll hit the highlights:
Pilot’s stations. We talked about the Pros and cons of the new pilot’s stations. I read some emails from the President of Imperial Rc in Florida and Wesley Miller from Motion on the RF nonissues of their chain link pilots stations. Will hold some more discussion on this later in the meeting.
I mention the Triad Aeromodellers 26th annual swap meet in Lexington on March 16th.
There’s a new cell phone tower being built, potentially, across the street by the dump. This tower is 200’ tall, but shouldn’t affect us unless, we fly over there, which we don’t.
And Evan had some planes and motors to give away from a former member that unfortunately has been placed in Hospice Care.
Just a reminder, we finalized our 4 fly in events for the year. They are as follows:
April 6th, theme: Old School fly in. This will be held in conjunction with the Metrolina Control line fly in, so it will be an awesome combined event. We will hold a tailgate swap meet that day also.
June 8th. Theme will be Nighttime is the Right time to fly! This will be a cool fly in. We have had a blast in the past with the night flying. We will get a schedule together when we get a little bit closer to the event.
September 7th. Theme is Jet Jam.
November 9 th. Our annual Veterans Day warbird fly in. This is an sanctioned event, with Trey. Ding our CD.
And a reminder of our monthly night fun fly on the last Saturday of each month, weather permitting.
Club Officer report.
V.P. Stephan: Wings program read off the Wings Program check sheet to the membership.
15 members have received their Wings so far.
How many wings have we given out:
Has the IP pilots have the wings check sheet?
Secretary: Joe: No report
Treasurer Drew:
Drew gave our balance in the FAPA account.
Safety Officer Jimoh:
Fly behind the pilot’s stations, call take offs and landings and the direction you are performing said act. Call on the runway, crossing the runway, clear the runway. Make sure you say it loud enough so everybody can hear you. Do not stand on the taxiway while somebody is landing and taking off. No spectators beyond the fence line. Do not fly outside the park boundaries. DO NOT TAXI BACK TO THE PITS, PEROID. This rule is for both props and jets. Fail safe/throttle cut. If you don’t know how to program these items, ask somebody to help you. Communication is the key for everybody to be safe. Talk to each other. We are all safety officers, so don’t be afraid to say something, respectfully, if you see somebody doing something unsafe. DO NOT MAKE BURNER PASSES DOWN THE RUNWAY, ESPECIALLY IF OTHERS ARE IN THE PILOTS STATIONS. WE FLY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE RUNWAY. AND CALL THEM OUT IF YOUR NOT ALONE.
Presidents Report:
Pilot stations, before we get into discussion, I need to thank a few people who help me install the test pilot station. Joe, Evan, Drew, Ray Y, and another gentleman we’re here to help me install the pilot station. We accomplished this on February 10, 2024. The install went quickly and easy. It is cemented into place. So, gentleman, I appreciate your help.
Discussion: I’ve only had a few complaints, with many praises on the test pilot’s station. Some of the complaints are as follows, color, distance from runway, they tear the planes up when hitting them, are the few complaints I’ve heard, so let’s discuss and then I’ll give you my opinions on the pilot’s station, after the discussions.
Ok, those are some good points. Now let me give you, my opinions. First, on distance of the pilot stations from the runway. Per AMA the minimum distance is 25’ from the centerline of the runway. When I placed the pvc ones, and going by what we had before, I placed them at 40’ from the centerline of the runway, so we are beyond what the AMA guidelines that are set.
Color, I’m not sure what the issue is with the color. It’s galvanized chain link, which can be painted, but doesn’t stick very well. So that beings said, it’s going to have to be repainted at least by annual to get them looking good., with a lot of prep before painting each time. And if we use florescent paints, they will fade even more quickly.
Finally, them hurting the planes more than the other ones. Yes, you are correct, they will tear the planes up more. But these are a safety item. They are supposed to protect you, not the object trying to hit you.
Let me give you an analogy, if you’re at a nascar race and a car hits the catch fence at high speeds, would you rather have chain link protecting you, of plastic fencing? This works with a heavy plane coming at you and going right through the plastic fencing also.
Financials on then pilot stations. I’ve resourced the raw materials, though another vendor and have come up with a savings of $652.91 than I originally quoted for them. I’m making all 7 stations for $683.68. That $ 97.67 ea. Which is way cheaper than I made the pvc ones for. Wacama has graciously given us $400.00 towards the cost of the pilot’s stations, pending vote to proceed with the other 6 stations. On 2-5 I received an email from Rachelle Harghn, the AMA program specialist, stating our AMA grant has been sent to the judges for approval, so hopefully we will here back from them soon, as well. ($350.00 max grant)
And, finally, both the Wacama board, and FAPA board has approved the remaining 6 stations to be built.
So, now I need a motion from the floor to proceed with the purchasing materials, building, and install the remaining 6 pilot’s stations: There was no objection to make the remaining pilot stations.
Motion made by: Evan
Second: Terry
All in favor: All
Opposed: None
Motion carried. We will make the 6 remaining pilot’s stations.
Jim Galuska made he would like to sponsor one of the pilot’s stations for $100.00.
This was excepted and the remaining 5 stations were sponsored by the end of the meeting.
So, there will be little cost to the club to build the new stations. Great job, FAPA membership.
Moving on, let’s talk about the upcoming April 6th Old School fun fly. This will be an exciting and new event, bringing both FAPA and Metrolina Control Line clubs together for our very first, combined fly in. I’m excited for us to be working together, and this will be a fun event.
So, that being said, a motion for a budget, to go along with donated Ag Wagon, for the raffle prizes.
Motion: $.500.00 By: Evan
Second: Terry
All in favor? All Motion carried. Passed.
Personnel to help with event. As you all have seen in the past, I like to make the experience of our fly ins the best it can be. That means it takes a lot of help to run these events.
So, if you haven’t helped at our events, now is the time to volunteer.
Raffle prizes: Joe
Chefs: Russ and JB? Jessica, With help from MCLS
Cooking supplies: Stephan? (We need to get with Will and see what and how we will be splitting costs)
Paper products: good
Drinks: Jim?
Set up/tear down:
Raffle table/sign in: Terry?
Cash app for payment. Only if Drew wants to be here for this: Drew said he would be willing to have the Cash App used at the fly in.
Awesome! Just a reminder, the landing fee is $15.00, and we will be having a swap meet also. So, bring your goods to swap.
Notes: Rob Cutman donated some planes from Brian Carter’s collection for the fly in or member giveaway. We Thank Rob and Brian for their donations.
Fria/ Instructor pilots program news. Evan, anything you want to add.
No new info.
Fria decal for gate, Terry? Still waiting on right color to come in for making the decal.
Wacama portion:
The locks were changed on February 1st! So, if you haven’t renewed, you can only fly on Wednesday and Sundays.
Neil, how many members do we have so far? 75.
As I stated earlier, we have a new Wacama Board. For those who don’t know, they are as follows:
President/ Treasurer: Trey
Board member: Evan
Board member/ webmaster: Neil
Board member : Will
Board member : Max
On February 21st, Wacama held their second zoom meeting, with numerous topics being discussed.
Trey, will you go over runway repair progress and driveway repair?
Any other Wacama news?
As always, they would like us to lock the gate coming and leaving the field. Also, roll in the awning and lock the awning handle in the lock so it doesn’t blow around in the wind and break off.
Requirements to fly at Waymer:
Park passes.
FAA registration.
Is everybody getting my emails?
Does everybody know where the first aid kit is located?
Does everybody know where the park boundaries are? Map on board.
Reminder of our FB page.
Next meeting will be held on April 6th at noon, in conjunction with the Old School fly in.
In closing, we have a few members that are having some health issues, and I ask you keep them In your thoughts.
Comments: Ben brought up he would like to take videos of the field to post on You Tube and Fb. Re was no objections of his idea.
Motion to adjourn: Terry
Second: Ray Y.
Meeting adjourned time: 12:54.
President Jay Kuster called the meeting to order at 12:07PM
Officers in attendance: Jay Kuster, Stephan Brown, Drew Dazzo, Jimoh Ahmed, and Joe Klabnik
-Meeting was held at FAPA Club Field in Huntersville.
-There were twenty-five members in attendance and one quest and two new members.
-Jay reviewed the notes from the January meeting.
Officers Report:
Vice President: Stephan Brown:
Wings Program will be ongoing if Stephen, Evan or Ben are available at the field to administer the test.
To pass this the pilot will need to fully the safety rules, where to turn on the equipment, how to properly setup the fail safe and throttle cut.
Check controls prior to take off.
Calling takeoffs and landings.
Complete 4 figure 8’s before landing.
Treasurer: Andrew Dazzo
Club Balance was provided along with the comment that the finances are available to be checked by any member of the club.
Safety: Jimoh Ahmed
Just stay safe and fly safely. Fly behind pilot stations and call landings & takeoffs. Stay within the club field boundaries.
Secretary: Joe Klabnik
No news to report.
-New News:
Frosty Dog Fun fly was held on New Year’s Day. Jay made a comment that the title could be changed if we so desired.
Taxiways are damaged from the mowers. The fixes will take place in March on the club field day in preparation for the new flying season. Jay has new threshold materials that will make the transition from the taxi to the runway easier to access.
Jay has purchased the materials to build and install one new all metal pilot station. This will be installed in the next few weeks and evaluated for radio interference. If it passes the additional six will be built and installed during out March field cleanup/maintenance day. Jay has also found a much cheaper source for the materials saving hundreds of dollars. Jay also touched base with two other clubs in Florida who uses this construction and they have found no issues with 2.4 or 27Mhz radio interference.
Triad swap meet will be on Saturday March 16th in Lexington N.C should anyone wish to go and either buy or sale your RC stuff.
Cell tower is going up about 600 yards from the field. There are several fields located in a much closer vicinity than that around the country with no effect in radio interference.
Neil has added the email address to the FAPA/WACAMA club site.
Runway update: The county will be out to inspect the runway for proper repairs.
U.S Marshals training has gone to the Bradford Airport site helicopter and vehicle training. Remember, full scale always has the right of way in the sky!
Since Anthony Durrah has resigned as President of WACAMA. Trey Chanter is the new president. The Board now consists of: Trey, Evan, Neil, Max & Will. If you have any concerns about the field in general, please talk with one of these representatives.
Evan received several plane items that included planes, engines & kits from the wife of our previous WACAMA President that has been moved into an assisted living facility. These items are free except for a few we are holding for our club funfly raffle prizes.
Next meeting will be March 2nd at either our field or City BBQ, weather will determine the location.
Terry Hickey made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Matt Springer, motion passed and was adjourned.
President Jay Kuster called the meeting to order at 12:06PM
Officers in attendance: Jay Kuster, Stephan Brown and Joe Klabnik
-Meeting was held at City BBQ in Huntersville.
-There were 19 members in attendance and 4 quest.
-Jay reviewed the notes from the November meeting.
Officers Report:
Vice President: Stephan Brown:
Check List created and emailed out to the wings program authorized testers.
To pass this the pilot will need to fully the safety rules, where to turn on the equipment, how to properly setup the fail safe and throttle cut.
Check controls prior to take off.
Calling takeoffs and landings.
Complete 4 figure 8’s before landing.
Treasurer: Andrew Dazzo was absent due to illness. Jay presented the club balance.
Safety: Jimoh Ahmed was absent. Jay covered the usual safety concerns.
Just stay safe and fly safely. Fly behind pilot stations and call landings & takeoffs. Any high speed low passes keep on the far east side of the runway. (Burner Passes)
Secretary: Joe Klabnik
No news to report.
–New News:
First annual New Years Day Frosty Dog Fun Fly was a complete success. There were 25 pilots attended. Coffee, hot chocolate and donuts.
First crash of the year award goes to our President Jay Kuster! Thanks for getting that out of the way Jay!! 🙂
Dates for the 2024 fun-fly’s were discussed, voted on and passed. The following dates and themes were agreed upon. Them themes are only a suggestion, but remember, bring what you have if you don’t have an aircraft that meets the theme.
April 6th, Theme: Old School.
This is a combined Control line and RC event that will also be a swap meet.
June 9th, Theme Night Fly.
Time will be determined as we get closer to the event.
September 7th, Jet Jam
November 9th, WarBirds
Evan D. made a motion to approve these dates and Ray Y. 2nd it. Motion was voted on and passed.
In addition, Evan D. made a motion that the last Saturday of the month be a regular night fly day. Stephan B. 2nd the motion, voted on and passed.
Taxiways are damaged from the mowers. The fixes will take place in March on the club field day in preparation for the new flying season. Jay has new threshold materials that will make the transition from the taxi to the runway easier to access.
Discussion was held on the new pilot stations. Due to them being made from metal it was suggested we just construct one and test it out. If it causes no issues then we’ll continue forward with the remaining six. Wacama board has agreed to help subsidize the cost and Jay has also applied to AMA for a grant.
There was no new FRIA news. Terry H is having the FRIA sign decal designed by his daughter. A thanks to both Terry and his daughter.
Adrian and Ben donated 4 magnetic solar charge, motion flood lights and attached them to the beams. This was greatly appreciated guys!
Our AMA Charter has been renewed.
Our Lawn mower was purchased and is locked in container. It has already been used to cut the grass low between the runway and taxiway, on the east side of the runway and both the north and south ends of the run-off area. Please recharge if anyone uses this. The 2000W inverter and chargers were permanently mounted to the plywood. The system was wired up and is now fully functional.
Wacama News:
Anthony Durrah. resigned his position as the board President and Trey Chanter is now the President.
Trey has invited Jay to attend the bi-monthly meetings to have better communications between the two clubs.
If you have any field issues you like addressed please contact Jay, Evan, Trey or Neal.
Trey mentioned to please renew your memberships ASAP. The lock will be changed on February 1st. Keys are being mailed out at this time if you have renewed your memberships.
The container combination was reprogrammed. Only the Wacama and FAPA officers have this combination. If at anytime the doors are opened for the access of the equipment, resetting the breakers, lawn equipment, or the trainer equipment, please do not remove anything for personal use unless it has first been cleared by an officer.
K. Next Meeting: February 3rd
Ray Yuhasz made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Stephan Brown, motion passed and was adjourned.
President Jay Kuster called the meeting to order at 12:13PM
Officers in attendance: Stephan Brown, Drew Dazzo, Jimoh Ahmed, and Joe Klabnik
1. -Meeting was held at City BBQ in Huntersville.
2. -There were 19 members in attendance and no quest.
3. -Jay announced that Jim Galuska’s mother turned 100 today but they were unable to attend due to Jim being ill.
4. -Jay reviewed the notes from the November meeting.
Officers Report:
a.i. Vice President: Stephan Brown:
a.i.1. Wings Program will be starting next Saturday the 10th.
a.i.2. To pass this the pilot will need to fully the safety rules, where to turn on the equipment, how to properly setup the fail safe and throttle cut.
a.i.3. Check controls prior to take off.
a.i.4. Calling takeoffs and landings.
a.i.5. Complete 4 figure 8’s before landing.
a.ii. Treasurer: Andrew Dazzo
a.ii.1. Club Balance was provided with a new check that was just given to him today from Wacama for the 2024 members renewal.
a.iii. Safety: Jimoh Ahmed
a.iii.1. Just stay safe and fly safely. Fly behind pilot stations and call landings & takeoffs.
a.iv. Secretary: Joe Klabnik
a.iv.1. No news to report.
New News:
a. Second night fly was a success despite the cold temperatures. There were 10 pilots in attendance. Everyone called it an early night due to the cold.
b. Frosty Dog Fun fly will be held on New Year’s Day starting at 9:30am. Coffee, Hot Chocolate and donuts will be served.
c. Taxiways are damaged from the mowers. The fixes will take place in March on the club field day in preparation for the new flying season. Jay has new threshold materials that will make the transition from the taxi to the runway easier to access.
d. Dues were raised $5 for 2024. A motion by Evan Doughty to amend and update the bi-laws, Terry Hickey 2nd the motion and passed.
e. Evan noted that there was nothing new to add to the FRIA enforcement as of this date. However, March 16th will become the start of prosecution if caught flying off site and without a transponder on your drone/aircraft.
f. Evan will hold separate meetings after to meet with the club instructors. 2 apprentices and radios were purchased/donated for this program. Looking for another good master Spektrum radio if anyone can donate it to the club. Also looking for 3300-4000 Mah 3S lipo batteries. Planes, transmitters, and batteries will be locked up in the cabinet in the container. If anyone is interested in becoming a club instructor please see Evan, Jimoh, or Jay.
g. Our AMA club charter is up for renewal and the cost is $45.
h. Evan brought up the topic of windsock replacement. It was decided to postpone this until spring.
i. Combined FAPA & WACAMA Board meeting was conducted to discuss the following topics.
i.i. Runway cracks, cracks are too large for the club to fix. Parks and Recreations will have to handle this.
i.ii. Pilots Station made from chain link fencing and metal posts will be the club’s responsibility and cannot be cemented into the ground. Jay will apply for an AMA grant to try and support this project.
i.iii. Trey Chanter sent email out to all members stating it’s time for renewals.
i.iv. The gate lock will be changed on February 1st and the Connex padlock combination has been changed. Only officers will have that combination moving forward.
j. Joe K. proposed that the club purchase an electric mower to keep the edging of the field and the area between the taxiway and runway cut low. Evan D. made a motion to purchase one, Terry H. seconded the motion and passed. Joe will investigate this since he is able to purchase on an employee discount from Ryobi.
Ray Yuhasz made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Stephan Brown, motion passed and was adjourned.
November 2023 Meeting – Nov. 4, 2023
The November meeting of FAPA was called to order by President Jay Kuster at 12:20PM on 11-04-2023.
-In attendance were 19 members and no guest were present.
-A recap of last meeting was provided by Jay which included the election of new board members which included: Jay Kuster President, Stephan Brown Vice President, Drew Dazzo, Treasurer, Jimoh Ahmed Safety Officer, and Joe Klabnik Secretary.
-Jay gave an update on the condition of Tina. She’s now home and Jay asked that we continue to support her during her recovery from her accident. She still has a lot of RC equipment for sale. If anyone is interested, please contact Jay and he will forward Tina’s information.
-The Veteran’s Warbird Fun fly was a complete success. With generous donation of Vic Duniec of many RC aircraft that were used to sale and give as prizes we made a substantial profit for the club. Thanks so much Vic! There was a great amount of help during the setup and tear down of the tables and easy up tents. Thanks everyone for coming early and helping! We a total of 16 registered pilots and 30 people as spectators. The raffle and plane sales were well supported by all in attendance. Thanks again everyone who made this all possible including our cooks Russ and JB!
-A discussion for next year’s Fun fly dates will be conducted in our January 2024 meeting.
-Fun fly for the new year was discussed (Frosty Dog) and a date will be determined during our January 6th 2024 meeting. We will provide donuts and coffee for this Fun fly due to the chilly January evenings.
-Another night fly was scheduled for 11-11-2023. The grill will be available for those that would like to bring food to cook.
-New pilot stations were discussed as the current ones are expensive to replace and someone destroyed one center field. Jay will be checking on pricing to replace with metal chain link fencing and post that will be embedded in concrete.
-FRIA NEWS: Evan reiterated on the purpose of FRIA sites for recreational vs. professional use sites. We must all abide by the restricted park area that is designated for recreational flying. Please stay within the park boundaries.
-WACAMA received an email from “Inspired Corporation” that wants to use our field as a demonstration site and for the purpose selling their Drones. A discussion that we should charge a fee for this that can benefit our club for upgrades was discussed.
-Plan to fix the taxi ways off of the main runway will be completed by Jimoh and volunteers during our spring club field maintenance day. Jay will provide the aluminum threshold materials for this, and we have plenty of material to replace the damaged areas.
-Jay raised the point that with the increase of everything in the current economy that we should raise club members’ dues to $30. There was a motion from Terry Hickey to raise the dues to $30, this motion was seconded by Ray Yahasz. A vote was taken, and it passed with 100%. Any members that have already paid their dues will be grandfathered in under the old club dues.
-Jay also discussed the possibility of raising our landing fees for our future funfly’s to $20. After much discussion it decided that we should maintain our current $15 landing fee.
-A special thank to Jay and Jessica Kuster for cleaning out and arranging the Conex and for Jay for installing shelves, brackets for chairs and for a huge propane grill that was donated by Jay’s employer. Also, if a member wishes to borrow anything from the Conex please ask first and then return the items in a timely manner. The Lock combination will also be changed due to recent items that were taken and not returned.
-Thanks to Buddy for donating a 2000w inverter that will be used to power our DC power tool chargers! Thank you very much Buddy!
-Runway Cracks are increasingly getting bigger. Tray is going to check with the Park and Recreations to see about fixing the cracks. WACAMA board members are trying to get the Park Official contacts.
-Cold weather club meeting locations for the inclement weather conditions were discussed. Evan made a motion to continue to have them at City BBQ in Huntersville on the 1st Saturdays of the month. The motion was seconded by Stephan. The motion passed.
-Motion by Evan to designate additional club flying instructors was made and a second by Stephan and passed. The following members volunteered: Stephan Brown, Mark O’Malley, Evan Doughty, Jimoh Ahmed, Chris Dickerson and Ben as the junior flight instructor. Evan Doughty was made the Instructor Coordinator over all the instructors.
-York County Flyers contacted Jay on how they can develop a new flying sites since they have lost theirs. Discussions on how we might help but there was no conclusions on this subject.
-A motion to adjourn the meeting from Evan Doughty, seconded by Stephan Brown, the motion passed, meeting adjourned.
October 2023 Meeting – Oct 7, 2023
Waymer Flying Field, meeting called to order at 12:04 pm
15 members in attendance
Jay (President) addressed the members. Reported that membership numbers are still strong. Introduced James Lightle and Charlie (his son ) as new members.
Tina Tressel update. Time is in Lexington at a rehab facility, and she asked that people send a card to her. She told Jay that she wanted to sell her entire RC collection as she doesn’t believe that she will be able to continue flying in the future. She will be selling all of her planes, including an L-19, a Birddog, Crazy Wing, Outlaw, an RC Boat, FRsky transmitter and 5 receivers. Please see Jay for a complete list .
Recap of the August meeting. Jay asked that members considered getting more involved in club activities, including running for office or helping with field repairs, etc.
Review of the night Fly In. Everybody had a blast, and the entire event was a success. Jay said he was thinking about doing more events like this next summer.
it looks like the warranty claims on Amazon-sold planes are working. ( Amazon is offering plane warranties for about 10% of the cost of a plane. Includes crash insurance for 2 or 3 years , regardless of cause, including pilot error.)
FRIA approval has been received for our site. More later.
Discussion about raising annual dues which are currently $20.
Review of safety rules.
a ) stand behind stations
b) stay off of the taxiway
c) use throttle cut
d) Announce your takeoffs and landings
e) Landings take priority
f) stay inside the park boundaries
g) No running planes back to the pits
h) Announce runway crossings
i) No battery burning at the field. Take batteries to recycling center on Old Statesville Rd
We have the inverter back in the Connex. If you borrow something, please make sure that a club officer is aware of your actions, and you establish a plan to return all items promptly.
looks like it is about time to change the combination on the Connex.
The WINGS safety program is about ready to be launched.
Runwau repairs – Anthony to ask the city for some crack repairs before winter.
Evan – FRIA news
FAA is requiring transponders on all aircraft not being flown at a FRIA site. FAA has delayed enforcement, but it is unclear whether or not they will stay with this position. Reminder for what is needed to fly at Waymer:
1) FAA registered -UAS certificate number visible on all planes
2) TRUST certificate
3) AMA registration
4) Park Pass (except on Wednesdays and Sundays)
Know before you fly website has information on FRIA. The FRIA symbol is now on our website.
Since we only had one member running for each elected office, the elections has held by hand vote.
WACAMA board – Trey Cantor, Evan Doughty
Safety Officer – Jimoh Ahmed
Treasurer – Drew Dazzo
Secretary – Joe Klabnik
Vice President – Stephan Brown
President – Jay Kuster
all elections we unanimous with 16 votes for each candidate. No abstentions noted.
We have a new grill for the next cookout. Should make cooking much easier.
No answer from Anthony on the crack repairs. If we don’t hear anything by November, we will probably have to go ahead with caulking ourselves.
Jay requested that any member with a cold weather meeting place let him know. If we don’t get anything new, we will probably go back to City BBQ this winter.
Meeting adjourned 1pm.
September 2023 Meeting – Sept 9, 2023
Waymer Flying Field, meeting called to order at 12:14pm
Members Appreciation Day – Free flying, free lunch of hot dogs, brats, hamburgers, and all the fixings! Drinks, chips, and a free ticket for a raffle prize!
Reminder about the Observance of 10-11-01
Jay reported that Tina had been in a serious motorcycle accident. Mike Sputnik’s father has passed away.
Jet Jam attendance was low, but we did have some folks from South Carolina attend and they had a great time. Said they would be back. We lost a little bit of money after all was said and done and paid for.
Thanks to Jimoh for getting the Corvette Club out for Jet Jam. They had a great time. They also commented that the price of the lunch was very low. The Grand Prize was one by one of the Corvette Club members, and he donated it to our junior club member. You should have seen his face………
Jay asked for more help for cookouts. We have a few people doing everything.
First night fly is next weekend, Sept 16. Starts at 6pm, stops at 10pm. 10 bucks gets you a pilots pass, pizza, and drinks.
There will be some Board member vacancies. Please consider volunteering for your club.
Officer reports
VP Terry
Secretary JB – We have purchased some new tables for our fly -ins. Got them 35% off at Sam’s. Thanks to Russ Zich for getting the tables and delivering them to the field.
Safety – Jimoh – some quick safety reminders.
Jay – we lost $98.xx on Jet Jam. Next year, Jet Jam might be at night.
Fria News – our site is now an approved FRIA site. Sept 16 is the remote ID implementation date, but that may be delayed. If you are flying at Waymer, you do not need a remote ID.
Discusssion and approval for using the club debit card for as many purchases as possible.
WINGS program getting ready to roll out.
taxiway damaged again. Jimoh will be looking for volunteers and setting a date for repairing it.
Presentation of Officers Awards from AMA for 2023
Plaque presented to Vic for his contributions to the club.
Plaque presented to Jimoh for his work on taxiways and desserts!
Special thanks to Evan for getting the plaques made.
VP – Stephen Brown
Sec – none at this time
Treasurer – Drew re-running
Safety Officer – Jimoh re-running
President – Jay Kuster re-running
Waymer Board – Evan and Trey
Trey called out Neil for handling the gate key situation smoothly.
By-laws need to be re-written. They are badly outdated and incorrect.
Please remove your personal articles from the CONNEX. If not, they will be thrown away today. That includes your planes, chairs, etc.
Battery operated weed eater and blower are now in the CONNEX!
5 ft gas grill on the way for October fly-in.
Recycle batteries properly. Go through proper channels to get the grass cut. Call some one on the WACAMA board or FAPA board for field issues.
meeting adjourned 1:00 pm.
August 2023 Meeting – August 5, 2023
Waymer Flying Field, 12:00 noon, members present 25
Jay – welcome to the August Jet Jam Fly In and FAPA club meeting
thanked Terry for presiding over the July meeting. Thanks to all members who helped out today to make the Jet Jam a really fun and tasty event!
welcomed the Victory Lane Corvette club for coming out to Jet Jam, and supporting our club!
Officers reports
VP – Terry thanked the Corvette guys for supporting the club.
Secretary – Echoed Terry’s comments.
Treasurer – Drew could not be here, but Jay reported that the treasury balance is very similar to last month.
Safety Officer – Jimoh – landing rules reminder. Landing planes have right of way. Fly behind pilot stations, call take-offs and landings, and your direction of travel. Call on the runway, crossing the runway, clear the runway. Make sure everyone can hear you. Do not stand on the taxiway when someone is landing and taking off. No spectators beyond the fence line. Do not fly outside the park boundaries. DO NOT TAXI BACK TO THE PITS! PERIOD. This rule is for props and jets. Fail safe/throttle cut. If you don’t know how to program these items ask someone to help you. Communication is the key to safe behavior.
President Jay – taxiway again damaged by lawnmowers. We need to address this once the weather cools off a little.
Board has decided to hold the Club Members Appreciation Lunch for 2023 in conjunction with the September meeting. The chefs are looking for a break, so Jay is asking for some volunteers to cook for the event.
The AMA would like you to have your voices heard through your representative to Congress on the AMA amendments to the FAA Reauthorization Bill.
Jay brought up the idea of a night flying event. The club voted yes, and Sept 16 was chosen as the day.
Discussion about the WINGS safety program. Stephan presented WINGS info.
CONNEX – Control line club has removed their carrier landing platforms. Jay to buy hangers and storage racks for club supplies.
FRIA a news – Evan supplied an update.
WACAMA – Jay has asked the WACAMA board about the runway. It is cracking down the middle. Once winter comes, freeze/thaw cycles could make it much worse. Anthony has been talking to the Park supervisor and thinks we are going to see some projects getting done.
Reminder – dispose of batteries properly.
Anthony asked that questions or complaints about the field go through WACAMA Board and do not call the Parks dept directly.
Requirements to fly at qWaymer:
Park Pass
TRUST certificate of completion
FAA registration
Reminder, nominations for 2024 FAPA Board will be taken at the September club meeting. Please consider running for an office on the board. Elections will be held October 7.
Next meeting Sept 9 at noon.
meeting adjourned at 12:35pm.
July 2023 Meeting – July 7, 2023
Waymer Flying Field – VP Terry presiding – 20 members in attendance
Meeting called to order at 12:01 pm.
Old Business
Fria sites are being approved, but we have not heard anything further on our application. Reminder about the Jet Jam coming up on Aug 5. All of the usual workers were polled and agreed that they would be here and execute their normal fly-in responsibilities. Big thanks goes out to the taxiway repair crew who did a great job of sprucing up the taxiway, and widening certain sections to make it easier to use. Final copy of the Wings program by next Meeting from Stephan.
A request to please refrain from burning old batteries on the control line circles. There is a recycling center about one 1 mile away on Statesville Rd that will take lipo batteries.
Also a reminder that the Connex is for Club-owned items. It is not to be used as your personal storage locker for planes or chairs or other equipment .
New Business
Andy reported the bank balance which was similar to balances reported in the past. Terry told members that they might want to look into the warranty program that Amazon is offering…….specifics vary, but for about 10% of the price of a plane, the offer is a 3 yr replacement program for any crashes or malfunctions regardless of the cause, including pilot error.
Secretary J.B. asked Alvin Kitchen to share his accident story with all club members first hand so there was no confusion about what happened. We are happy to report that Alvin has healed up well and he is back flying at the field on a routine basis.
Neil has posted the address of the field at the First Aid Station for emergency purposes. J.B. Reported that the cooks at the last cookout used a slightly different method of cooking burgers, where after they are cooked, they are placed is a beef flavored stock to keep them warm and moist (no more hockey pucks). We have heard nothing but positive comments about the burgers from the last fly-in, so the new method will now be adopted as the standard.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:25 pm.
submitted by J.B. Hammond, FAPA Secretary
June 2023 Meeting – June 3, 2023
Waymer Flying Field – 21 members plus one guest
President Jay Kuster called the meeting to order at 12:07 pm. Jay offered another thanks to the first responder club members who responded to our safety incident of May 11. He reminded the club about the location of our first aid kit (the runway side of the announcement board) and told the club that we now had a tourniquet in the kit. Jay also reiterated that we were a Bronze level AMA club.
Officers reports
VP Terry – although absent, his report was delivered by Jay, and he wanted to thank everyone for a very successful Old Timers Fly-In on May 20. We had 20 registered pilots, and everyone had a good time.
Secretary JB – A safety reminder to have a great time flying but be safe about it. (As an aside, we modified our procedures to include a steaming au jus bath for our hamburgers and hot dogs during the Fly-In. Sounds like it was well received, so we plan on doing that at each fly-in going forward. No more hockey puck burgers!)
Treasurer – Andy – funds are in flux right now with fly-in deposits still to be made.
Safety Officer – Jimoh – Jay reported that Jimoh has acquired some new stakes for the runway mat.
Safety concerns going forward
A long discussion ensued that dealt with a variety of safety issues. Talked about not initializing planes under the shelter. People with retractable gear voiced exceptions to that rule. Mandatory kill switch. People spoke up about “mandatory “ rules. Who is going to enforce these rules? What will punishments be? What happens if a club member ignores the rules? Many difficult questions arise when someone starts talking about mandatory rules.
The club decided that the gate can remain open as long as a flyer is at the field. Last one out needs to lock the gate and charging station.
Jay reminded us to:
a) fly east of the pilot stations
b) announce take off and landings
c) don’t stand on the taxiway
d) don’t fly outside the park boundaries
e) Use throttle cut offs!t
Jay talked about having another swap show at the Oct Fly In. He thanked all of the members who helped pull off the last fly-in, including Jim for drinks, Terry for setup and raffle ticket sales, Jimoh for dessert, Jessica for running the kitchen fixins and preparing and serving food, Russ and JB for the grilling. Every plane was checked for throttle cut off before flying, and all planes were in compliance. The fly-in generated $662.70 for our general fund. The FAPA board has decided to raise the landing fee for Fly-In events to $20. This will take effect at the next Fly-In.
Eight new field tables have been built by Vic and have been installed at the field. Old table legs have been hauled off. Jay is looking for a volunteer to remake the PVC uprights in the tables. Please contact Jay if you can help out on this project.
FRIA news – Evan reports no FRIA approvals as of yet.
Joe has acquired an electric leaf blower for the club. It will be stored in the CONNEX.
Jay had some FAPA polo shirts left from a previous order. A general call out got them sold in a hurry. FAPA hat buttons were handed out to all attendees.
Anthony volunteered to text the County and ask them to pay particular attention to the grass between the shelter and the runway.
Reminder —- If you open the CONNEX, close and lock it!
July 1 will be our next meeting. Jay will be absent and Terry will be running the meeting.
New business – members decided by majority voice voting that if you win a prize at a Fly-In, the winning ticket will be withdrawn from the tumbler for drawings going forward that day. The one exception…..if you win a prize that you donated… can return the prize to the raffle, and your ticket will return to the tumbler for future drawings that day.
Motion to adjourn. Seconded. Meeting adjourned at 12:50 pm.
Post meeting——Safety kit walk led by Evan for members that needed a reminder on where the safety kit was located.
submitted by J.B. Hammond, FAPA Secretary
May 2023 Meeting – May 13, 2023
Waymer Flying Field – 24 members in attendance
President Jay Kuster called the meeting to order at 12:02 pm
No new members in attendance
Jay gave us the outline of the safety incident that occurred last Thursday. One of our park members ( not a member of FAPA) was injured during an unexpected motor start-up in the shelter area. The pilot sustained deep cuts to both forearms. Fortunately, there were 5 other pilots in the shelter at the time, with 3 of them being doctors. They were able to fashion a tourniquet out of a belt, call 911 for EMS, and keep the pilot comfortable until EMS arrived and took over. Update: A member reported that the injured member had been through one surgery, and was facing one more as a tendon had been impacted by the injury.
The attendees then took a walk to the front of the notice board to familiarize themselves with the positioning of the first aid kit and the contents.
A long discussion ensued concerning potential improvements to our safety program going forward. Results:
A. Anthony to check with Parks and Rec about mounting a safety kit on one of the poles in the shelter.
B. We need to purchase a tourniquet kit to include in our safety kit.
C. All pilots should be extra cautious when flying alone. Injuries are very difficult to deal with by yourself.
D. Our address needs to be more visible, maybe posting it at the shelter.
E. A special accommodation letter to Dr. Ziad Hage will be drafted by Evan Doughty, and sent to Anthony Durrah for approval.
Jay gave a recap of April’s meeting.
Prizes from the cancelled GO Green fly in will be given away at the Jet Jam on Aug 5.
VP report – Terry – Terry reported that pilot registration will include one raffle ticket and one lunch ticket of a different color. Additional raffle tickets will be available for purchase.
Secretary Report- J.B. – Just a reminder about how dangerous these airplanes can be, even small motors! Please be careful, and follow safe practices.
Treasurer – Andy – absent today, Jay reported bank balance that was logical.
Safety Officer – Jimoh – Reminders to announce take offs and landings, and to stay within the park perimeter!
Jay reminded everyone about the Oldtimers fly in next week. Please bring youri swap show stuff and a spare table to display them on. Swap show starts at 9, Pilot meeting at 10, lunch at 11:30, raffle at High Noon! Landing fee is $15 and will include lunch. If you have donated prizes, please make sure that they are included in the raffle.
AMA news. – Jay reported that the Oct 7 Annual Warbirds Flyin is an AMA officially sanctioned event. Trey has volunteered to be the CD for the event. He also reported that AMA has recognized FAPA as a bronze level club for 2023.
Table rebuilds – Vic has a very busy schedule, but is trying to get the legs and bracing done this week and delivered to Jay by Thursday. We may see them for next weeks fly-in.
FRIA news – Evan reports nothing new on the FRIA application. Our original application was amended and sent back to AMA, and it has been submitted to the FAA. We are now waiting to hear something from them.
Joe is going to get us a leaf blower to use at the field.
Jay reported a FAPA / WACAMA board meeting this morning. We will be hearing more on the results of a very productive meeting this morning.
CONX – Please lock up the CONX before leaving the field. Our charger and batteries are very valuable pieces of equipment.
Fire extinguisher – We have had to use the fire extinguishers twice in the last month. If you have to use one, don’t throw it out. We can have them recharged for about half the price of buying a new one.
Battery Charging Station – There has been some talk that our charging station is losing power. The batteries have been in operation for 8 years. Trey reported that these are sealed, maintenance-free batteries, and for their capacity, we are using them very lightly. He put a 60 amp load on them today, and they were fine. If your batteries are not charging as you expect them to, either a) your batteries need to be changed, or b) your charger is giving out. The charging station is performing perfectly.
Next meeting – June 3 – Waymer Flying Field – Noon
Meeting adjourned at 12:47pm.
April 2023 Meeting – April 1, 2023
City BBQ – 16 members in attendance
President Jay called the meeting to order at 12:16pm
One new member – Shane from Virginia
Review of highlights from last month’s meeting
Spring fly-in moved to April 8
Officer’s Reports
VP Terry – praised club members for last month’s work detail on the field
Secretary J.B. – also chimed in on the work detail, we got a lot done with relatively little supervision. Thanks to all club members who kicked in to help our field look even better
Treasurer Andy – reported Bank balance and it appears to be in line with previous balances.
Safety – Officer not present, Jay substituted and reminded everyone to:
Call take offs and landings
Announce On The Runway
No standing on the runway
No flying outside of park limits
No taxiing planes back to the pits, and this includes JETS!
Field Camera – Stephan has increased our data allotment for the camera so we shouldn’t run out now. However, be mindful of data use. Jump on the camera, take a look, and then get off.
Field repairs – We got a lot done In a short period of time, 2 old stands were repurposed to be under the charging station, we weed eated the runway and the tables, and we expanded the taxi runs.
Vic is still working on replacing the tables but he is in and out of town a lot.
Jay reported that the broken solar panel has been replaced. Please, if you damage something at the field, let an officer of the club know so we can get the damage repaired.
May 20 flyin – Old School Flyin
Motion made to donate $400 for raffle prizes for the next flyin. Approved.
The May 5 meeting has been rescheduled for May 13.
Evan went over the rules for FAA. Most of them will be posted on our website. The need for a remote ID will begin in Sept, but you will not need anything different than you have now to fly at our field going forward. Our FRIA application is in Process.
Safety Wings Program – The club believes that this should be a WACAMA-driven program, so we will wait for them to start it up and we will follow.
We do know that WACAMA is refurbishing the guardhouse. Purpose is unclear.
Parks and Rec have given us two additional picnic tables and they were delivered last week and are now under the shelter.
Anthony has asked for 2 more loads of Premier crushed concrete to be delivered . We would like to extend the first walk out to the runway, and put some additional material under the shelter.
The fire extinguisher was used on a plane fire this week and it worked well. No injuries but we will have to get it recharged or get a new one.
We have a number of members with Health challenges right now. Keep them in your prayers.
J.B. Brought up the issue of unlocking and locking the gate each time we come in or leave. Currently we are very good about locking the gate when you’re the last to leave, but we are not so good about unlocking and locking back every time we come through the gate. Evan volunteered to contact WACAMA and request a rule change to conform to what we are actually doing.
NEXT MEETING MAY 13 at the field at noon!
Meeting adjourned 1:15pm.
March 2023 meeting – March 4, 2023
location – Waymer Flying Field in combination with a field improvement day
Jay Kuster called the meeting to order at 12:02pm
24 members in attendance at the meeting and a work day at the field
one new member – Kareem Davis
last meeting review
Thanks to Jessica for going to get pizza for lunch today!
Vic is working on the new tables but they aren’t done yet. We should see them soon, and another work party will be scheduled to replace the pilot tables.
Jay bought a new ladder and it is stored in the Conex.
April 1 is our next Green Fly-In. This meet will also feature a swap shop so bring a table and swap/sell your unwanted RC stuff with the club!
Officers reports
VP Terry – reminded the club of the Lexington swap show coming up in a few weeks
Secretary J.B. – trying to post the meeting minutes before midnight on the day of the meeting.
Treasurer Andy – no major expenditures since Feb meeting.
Safety Officer Jimoh – no running props or jet fans in the pits.
Jay mentioned that we had recently paid $40 for our annual AMA charter fee.
For the April Go Green Fly In…..
Terry – needs some additional tickets or wrist bands
Stephan – Food Supplies, Russ and J.B. Cooking, drinks by , prizes by Joe
pilot meeting that day at 10 am, lunch at 11:30, NO EARLIER !!!!!!!
Discussion about the field camera……Stephan reported that our field camera was defective, and he got a new one. He mounted it today and it is working much better!!
Fria News – AMA has submitted our FRIA application to the FAA. Do not expect to hear anything more from FAA until mid summer.
Anthony still working on the two additional picnic tables. Float plane fly In is not moving at this time.
Evan bought a new first aid kit for the field. Jay has added the coagulant powder to the kit, so if you do have an accident at the field that involves bleeding, the powder is very effective at stopping blood loss.
Tina is moving on March 31 and has requested help from any club members who can spare some time. Moving can be very challenging, so if you can help her out that would be great.
Next meeting APRIL 1 same day as the Go Green Fly In. Come out and bring some extra money for the raffle!
Joe Nall is coming up soon, starting the weekend of Mothers Day and continuing for a week afterwards. If you have never been to Joe Nall, it is a great experience! Bring a float plane, and your favorite walking shoes. You can spend a whole day there, and see some great models and fantastic flying from Team pilots!
Jay once again thanked everyone for coming out to help work on the field today. We got a lot done, and we will be able to enjoy the improvements for a long time in the future!
Jay closed the meeting at 12:40 pm.
February 2023 Meeting
2/4/23. City BBQ called to order by Jay Kuster 12:07pm
19 members present, no guests
Jay opened the meeting by thanking City BBQ for allowing us to hold our winter meetings at their restaurant.
January Meeting Recap
The club will host 4 Fly-Ins this year. Dates are:
April 1 – April Fools Fly-In and Swap Meet
May 20 – Old Timers Fly In
August 5 – Jet Jam Fly-In
Oct 7 – Warbird Fly-In (A Santioned AMA Event)
Officers Report
VP – Terry – Will need to purchase some additional raffle tickets as our supply is getting low.
Secretary – J.B. – Nothing special to report.
Treasurer – Andy – Reported bank account balance .
Safety Officer – Jimoh – Reminded attendees to be mindful of safety rules while flying.
Jay wanted to solidify a date for the Club Field workday. General agreement that March 4 would be a good day for a combo work day/ meeting day. Discussion surrounding our pilot station tables, which are starting to look pretty rough. We had a quote for $70/table to use the Trex tops that we have and rebuild the bases. A quick discussion ensued, and the club decided to rebuild 6 of our current 8 tables, and use the two best tables near the charging station- either at the end for additional charger space or to stand on in the charger area.
Parks and Rec have two large piles of gravel that they are going to be spreading soon. Jay volunteered to get a message to Parks and Rec to give us a call when they decided exactly when the process was going to take place so that we could have someone from the club be at the field to give some input on where to put the gravel. Jay is also going to ask Parks and Rec for two additional picnic tables for the shelter area.
After consulting club officers, Jay was given the go ahead to purchase a ladder for the club. It will be stored in the Conex. The primary purpose of having the ladder is to access the camera for repairs and adjustments.
April 1 Fly In – Club approved $600 for prizes for the Fly-In.
Jay passed around a flyer on the AMA 3 Fly Free program. The AMA will waive your dues for a year if you can get 3 people to sign up as AMA members.
Jay passed around a notice that stated that Zipline, in Kannapolis, has been approved as a drone delivery service for this area. We understand that they will deliver packages by flying a drone over your house, and dropping the package with a parachute.
Evan reported that the GAO has issued a report that criticized the FAA for not moving fast enough on the drone delivery process. Expect that process to speed up in the future.
Jay reported that Anthony’s contact at Parks and Rec is no longer there, and that a new contact has been established. This has slowed the communications with Parks and Rec on the float fly site, etc.
Jay reminded everyone to lock the gate in and out, lock the Conex and charging station, and that Park Passes and AMA registration is required to fly at Waymer.
Next MEETING – MARCH 4, 12:00 noon, meeting and work day, bring your hammers!
Meeting adjourned 12:49 pm.
January 2023 Meeting
Jan 7, 2023 City BBQ
24 members in attendance
no guests present and no new members
President’ report
Next month the meeting will be held again at City BBQ
Recap of last month’s meeting
officer’s reports
VP – Terry –
Secretary – JB Reported that the minutes from the last meeting we’re getting into the website a little slowly, but they were getting in. If you miss a meeting, check out the minutes that are published here each month and it will at least give you a flavor of what is going on in the club.
Treasurer – Drew reported on funding levels
Safety – Jimoh reported that the key to safety is communication. Announcing take offs, landings and directions, understanding fellow pilots and their favored flying ways are all important.
2023 Goals
FRIA application completed on 12/3 and submitted by Evan to AMA. We have not heard anything yet.
New Field Camera has been installed. For the most part, I have been able to access the camera and even turn it every once in a while to see the parking lot and the runway. So far, the new camera would have to be considered a success.
Club Fly-ins and Dates
April Fly-in (combo swap meet) – no date yet
Old school fly in – May 20th
Jet Jam – Aug 5th
Warbird Fly-in – Oct 7th
The new rules for remote ID went into effect on 12/20. If you have a quadcopter, it must have a remote ID built into it, in one of three methods:
- The transponder is built into the quadcopter,
- you buy a transponder and put it into the model, or
- you fly at a FRIA site.
Porta Potty location was moved (at Neil Liner’s request) back to the spot near the control line circles. General feeling was that it was too close to the cooking area for fly-ins.
Anthony is still on the hook for talking to Parks and Rec about a site for a float-fly.
Only 50% of current members have renewed for 2023. As a reminder, the gate key will be changed this week, so better get your dues in quick and get a new key so you aren’t locked out! The park pass application is on the WACAMA website.
Next Meeting. Feb 4, 12:00 noon, City BBQ
Meeting adjourned at 12:56pm
December 2022 Meeting
Meeting called to order by Jay Kuster on 12/3/22 at 12:12 pm at CITY BBQ.
Review of Nov meeting.
Officers Reports
A. Treasurer’s report – reported existing bank balance
Jay started a discussion about the field camera as many members had talked about a second camera. The club had 3 options: 1) get a separate camera and have 2, 2) upgrade the current camera with pan and tilt functions, or 3) keep the current system as is. Discussion ensued about the pros and cons of each choice. The club voted after all discussion was held. Club voted to upgrade the current camera with pan and tilt functions.
special thanks to Neil Liner for his work on the current camera and wiring.
AMA gave FAPA a Club Anniversary Award for 13 years as an AMA club!
on Nov 15, FRIA comment period started. Evan Doughty has volunteered to be our point of contact for all things FRIA for the club going forward. THANK YOU EVAN!
Jay let everyone know that AMA has approved another transponder called a Zephyr module 100. It currently sells for $315.00. NOTE : YOU WILL NOT BE REQUIRED TO HAVE A TRANSPONDER IN YOUR AIRCRAFT IF YOU ARE FLYING AT WAYMER WITH A VALID PARK PASS AND AMA MEMBERSHIP.
More discussion about a float fly area on Lake Norman. Anthony volunteered to touch base with Parks and Rec about possibilities in this area.
Jay reminded everyone to lock the gate coming and going to Waymer.
Next meeting set for Jan 7, Noon, at CITY BBQ.
Meeting adjourned at 1:01pm.
(Thanks Tina for the giveaways at the last meeting. There were quite a few treasures to be had for the bargain shopper!)
November 2022 Meeting
Nov 5, 2022 – site Waymer Flying Field
16 attendees
Meeting called to order by Jay Kuster at 12:05pm
President’s Report
October Meeting Recap – Thanked Jim Galuska for purchasing a new flag for the field.
Held officers elections for upcoming year.
VP – Terry Hickey
Secretary – J.B. Hammond
Treasurer- Andy Dazzo
Safety Officer – Jimoh Ahmed
Wacama reps – Trey Chanter and Evan Doughty
President – Jay Kuster
a shout out thanks to 2022 officers Rob Cuttman, Ray Clyburn, and Vic Duniec for their service to the club. It takes all of us to keep things running smoothly.
Officers Reports
VP – Nothing to report.
Secretary – Nothing to report
Treasurer – Andy reports $6,167.26 balance in club bank account.
Safety – Reminder of no flying around the tower past the land fill. Fly inside the park boundaries.
Review of the Oct 8 Warbird Fly-In. Weather was good, food was great, and it seemed like everyone had a good time. Evan Doughty won the bomb drop. Jay mentioned that he was considering splitting the competition into 2 categories based on airplane size.
Thanks were sent out to Russ, Jim, Jimoh, Stephan, JB, and Jessica for the Fly-In food. Terry, Joe, and Jarad did a great job on the raffle, with special thanks going to Woo, Mike McCumbe, and Joe for raffle donations. Food cost 257.67, prizes were 600.00, and income from raffle tickets and pilot registrations were 783.03, for a net loss of 74.64 for the event.
Float flying – we would like to get either Ramsey Creek or Blythe Landing as a site to fly float planes. It would be best to have this done in a timely manner so they (it) could be attached to the Waymer Fria site. Jay is coordinating a meeting with WACAMAW board.
Additional field camera – Jay to contact Stephan about feasibility of adding another camera facing the pavilion. BTW there is a new password for the camera. Please contact a FAPA officer for details.
Field work day – We have a number of small repairs that we need to do to the field. Jay will be scheduling that after the first of the year.
Winter month meeting location – Looking for a location for cold weather month meetings. October meeting held at City BBQ, which went pretty well. If you have any ideas on a meeting place, let Jay know. Saturdays at noon is still a preference.
Wacama – A request has been made to move the porta potty back to the CL area has been made. Jay has taken on that task.
Keys for the gate – to be mailed out late December/ early January. Locks will be changed on Feb 1.
AMA Fria Information – Not yet functional for recreational users.
As always, Wacama would like us to lock the gate coming and going, lock the charging station, roll up the awning, and lock the handle in the charging station. Requirements to fly at Waymer are AMA registration, PARK PASS, Trust certificate, and FAA registration.
Next Meeting – Sat Dec 3, Noon, meeting place TBD. Motion to close the meeting, seconded, meeting adjourned at 12:39pm.
October 2022 Meeting
10/1/2022 – site City Barbeque
194th meeting of the Flying Aces Pilot’s Association!
President’s Report
Review of last meeting and Fly In. Between the last flyin and the Jet Fly in, we broke even money-wise. We have replaced our American flag with a new one, and the morning flyers took it down on Wednesday to save it from the impending inclement weather. Thanks guys.
The Annual Warbirds Fly In will be next weekend, October 8th. This is a sanctioned event and has been published in the AMA magazine. Supplies review:
Raffle tickets: Terry – reports supplies are sufficient at this time
Food: Stephan – taking care of food
Drinks: Jim has the drinks covered
Dessert: Jimoh is going to make one of his fabulous desserts.
Raffle prizes : Joe and Jarad: ( Joe has donated an extra $100 for raffle prizes! He and Jarad have done an excellent job on what they picked out for us. An extra super thanks to Joe for his generous donation. ) Bring lots of money for raffle prizes! A side note: All members are welcome to bring RC items to the Fly In to donate as raffle prizes. All donations are welcome!
Cooking: The master chef Russ Zich assisted by sous chef J.B. JB needs to check to see if we have enough charcoal for the cookout.
Bomb drop completion! We will be having a bomb drop target, so get your planes ready to drop some bombs! (Local report – if your plane does not have an integral bomb drop mechanism, the club will be providing a mechanism that can be attached to most any plane with rubber bands. To drop the bomb, you fly inverted over the target.)
Metrolina Control Line Society will be holding their 40th anniversary control line contest on October 14, 15, and 16. That’s a great accomplishment for this club. As is standard procedure, the field will be closed to all RC flying from the 14th to the 16th. They should be wrapping up around 2pm on Sunday. If you have time, come on out and support them!
Nall in the Fall is from September 30 to October 8 in Woodruff, SC, for anybody who would like to go down and see it. It’s pretty impressive if you haven’t been there. I’m pretty sure Jim is going all week, So stop by and say hello to him.
Election time
President: Jay Kuster; running unopposed
Vice President: Terry Hickey, Stephan Brown
Secretary: Jeffrey (J.B.)Hammond; running unopposed
Treasurer: Andy Dazzo; running unopposed
Safety Officer: Jimoh Ahmed, Rick Sweeney
Wacama Representatives: Trey Chanter, Evan Doughty
Election winners are outlined in red.
Reminders from WACAMAW about park rules.
New Business
Discussion about a water fly-in on Lake Norman. Jay volunteered to start the conversation with WACAMAW and Parks and Rec for such an event.
Tina volunteered to contact some other clubs that she knows to ask them to attend our fly-in.
Evan volunteered to contact WACAMAW for a copy of the by-laws for review and updating.
Discussion about an additional camera at the field to display the parking lot. Jay to talk with Stephan about that next week at the Warbirds Fly in.
Next meeting : Nov 5th, location TBD
Evan moved to close the meeting. Seconded. Meeting adjourned.
July 2022 Meeting
-192nd meeting of the Flying Aces Pilot’s Association!
- The October fly in date is changing from October 15 to October 8 to comply with another event around that time
- July 23rd Jet Jam fly in – Duty Assignment
-Raffle Prizes : Joe
-Raffle Tickets: Terry
-Food: Stephan
-Drinks: Jim
-Dessert: Jimoh
-Inventory Cook Out Supplies: Joe
- We made it to Bronze AMA club reward! Post info on info board (key for board is on connex key)
- We went over AMA Instructor Pilot Program
- We went over why the gate needs to remain closed. Safety is our priority and WACAMA has decided that the gate remaining closed is best.
- A reminder to remain inside the park boundaries to comply with WACAMA and AMA standards; Don’t fly over the dump or tower.
– WACAMA has requested that everyone lock the gate behind themselves when they enter and leave. Also lock the charging station (which includes the awning) when you are finished with it.
– May 15th Boy Scout recap: We had a large attendance of Cub and Boy Scouts all day we did not finish until around 4pm Lots of rockets were flown and all went well.
-Anthony has brought up AMA IP identification for CFI RC pilots wanting to instruct.
- We talked about extending the runway by up to 150 feet. we are in talks with WACAMA for funding and approvals
- WACAMA would like us to have a FAA trust program and FAA registration number
- WACAMA needs a list of Instructor Pilots Evan Doughty and Trey Chanter
In closing: Requirements needed to fly at our field:
AMA membership
WACAMA card +- key
FAA Registration
A new Gate locking mechanism with automation was discussed. Jimoh is in talks with WACAMA about funding and support.
Motion to Adjourn:
Time 12:26
June 2020 Meeting
Welcome to the 191st meeting of the Flying aces Pilot’s Association! I hope everyone has had a great Memorial Day holiday and I hope you and your families are all doing well. On that note, COVID numbers are on the rise so i will ask everyone to please take care of yourselves and your neighbors while at the field. Social distance as you feel comfortable until the numbers start to fall again.
We welcome our guests that are here today and hope FAPA/Waymer can be the flying home you are looking for.
New members introduction
Mat meeting recap:
-We finalized the May 21 Fly in; more info later
-Thanks to Jim for the new windsock
-thanks to WACAMA for the secondary windsock.
–Discussed sending informational flyers out to local schools to spark some interest in getting young persons interested in our hobby Werner has taken the project out to various schools.
Officer reports:
Vice president: Jimoh O. Ahmed
Secretary: Ray Clyburn
Tresurer: Andy
Current capital: 6303.30
Safety Officer- If not here: Please fly behind pilot stations. If removing aircraft from taxiway, do so without delay. NEVER stand on the taxiway to fly aircraft. Always call out landings. Landing calls should include the direction you are landing from. Throttles should remain disarmed until the aircraft is ready for taxi.
President –Jay
May 21st, Go Goofy/Experimental Fly In recap: We had 24 paid pilots, which is close to a record I am told. Thank you for your participation. I’m pretty sure everyone had a great time. Good food, prizes & fellowship….thank you all for coming.
We brought in $1225.00
Our expenses were $186.00 food
$40.00 plates, water misc supplies
$650.00 raffle prizes
Total expenses: $876.00
$1225.00 – $876.00 = $349.00 profit
So we made $349.00 which is a record profit fora Fly In. THANK YOU all again
Huge shout out to everyone who helped make the Fly In so much fun for all of us:
JB & Russ our grill masters
Jimohfor the amazing dessert
Stephen for getting all the food
Jim for bring the cooler of drinks
Terry for running the Raffle and sign in table
My wife Jessica for helping with the set upof the food table and clean up
Joe & Jared for getting the raffle prizes: Motion RC for the discount
NEXT Fly In will be July 23rd– FAPA Jet Jam
Motion for Budget: $600.00
Second: JIMOH
Carry: YES
Joe is getting the raffle prizes
Emails – is everyone getting them social media – FACEBOOK, Instagram
Lastly: for the Tank battlefield we need more players and helpers to set up trails, Terry & I have started the battlefield. Come out & help – AND get a Tank and join us!
-REMINDER — PARK BOUNDARIES – Flying outside the park…..We all know the rules & we like flying here, don’t fly over the dump or over the tower.
-WACAMA has asked that everyone lockthegate behind you when you enter & leave the park. Also, lock the charging station if you are the last one to leave the field.
-May 15thBoy Scout recap: There were a lot of Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts here & they went all day, did not finish up until around 4pm. Lots of rockets flown and fun was had by all. Evan put on an awesome Jet Demo & we flew numerous Apprentices. It was a fun Day.
Anthony brought up AMA IP identification, which means you are an AMA certified Instructional Pilot Instructor. Read from handout
WACAMA would like us to have a FAA trust program & FAA registration number.
WACAMA needs a list of our instructional pilots – Evan Doughty & Trey Chanter
In Closing: Requirements needed to fly at our field: Except on Wednesday & Sunday
AMA membership
Park Pass
FAA registration
Anthony ? –
Motion to adjourn: TERRY
Second: IVAN
Time: 12:26
May 2022 Meeting; Start time 12:00
We welcome the following members to the club:
Rick Wright
Mark O’Maley
April’s Recap: Thanks to jimoh for providing cake to our Most Recent Fly in!
The GoGreen Event was cancelled due to weather. The raffle will be moved to the Fun Fly.
We added $200 to our $450 in prizes. that will mean $650 in prizes!
Thanks to Parks & Recreation for repairing the runway.
Also thanks to Jim for the new windsock.
Please respect your fellow pilot and ask questions: (are you comfortable with me flying with you? etc.)
FAPA Current capital: $5204.30
For safety reasons, please be sure to fly inside park boundaries and remember to stay in pilot stations.
Never fly a helicopter or drone inside control line circles.
Boy Scouts will be at the field May 15. Flying is not allowed duing the event.
Thank you Joe and Jimoh for the Raffle Prizes!
Remember to lock the gate coming and leaving the field. Also the last person must close the charging station.
Meeting adjourned.
2/5/2022 Minutes: start time 12:05
Welcome to the 187th monthly meeting of the Flying Aces Pilots Association. I hope you & your families are all doing well with Covid running rampant at this time. Please remember to take the necessary precautions here at the field to keep everyone safe.
We welcome our guests that are here today and hope FAPA/Waymer can be the flying home you are looking for.
January meeting recap:
-we discussed the upcoming Fly ins for us in 2022. I would like to have 4, with 2 being sanctioned. We will discuss this later in the meeting.
-Rob brought up that we should have a monthly PM on the First Aid kit
-I added an Instagram account & posted signs on the columns
-Low flying planes was discussed coming from Bradford. I asked to get pictures & tail #’s if possible and then see what we can do. Remember they have the right a way. Regardless of altitude.
-I mentioned the Triad Aeromolders Swap meet on March 19th 2022 (show flyer) Terry and I have 2 tables reserved.
-I brought up Tank & Surface park here at the field
The Drone area by the gate was brought up. It’s looking kind of rough, does anybody have their contact info, to see if they are still using it. (?Wacama Issue)
- President – Jimoh – condolences to you on your Fathers passing
Notes: Jimoh to finish runway repair
Secretary – Ray – website updated, add Instagram & Facebook page information
Treasurer – not here, we had $820 in membership fees deposited
Balance $5498.30
Safety officer – If not here: Fly behind pilots stations, Please get behind pilots station when somebody calls landings. Do not stay standing on taxi way. Call your Landings, Take offs and which directions. Call when you are on runway. Fail safe, throttle out. Get somebody to help you if needed.
Notes: fail safe/throttle out was brought up from the floor to be added to the CBL’s. There are no articles in the CBL’s for safety at this time.
President – upcoming fly ins – need to set dates
These are the dates I know of that some other clubs have already scheduled
April 30 Charlotte Aeromolders
June 1st Winston
September 10th Winston
October 21-25th Control Line
Dates: 3/26 Go Green Fly in
5/21 Go Goofy/Experimental Fly in
7/23 FAPA’s Jet Jam
10/15 Warbirds
Budget for March ____26___ Fly In : $400.00
Motion __Terry____ Second _ Ray______ vote _All in Favor_____
-Programs: I am wanting to start having a program at meetings when it warms up. If you would like to volunteer to share your knowledge, in programming, flying, soldering, decal making or anything else, please let me know. I would like to start this next month weather permitting
-Tank Park behind charging station: The WACAMA Board has given us permission to build a tank battlefield. This will be not be advertised, as our lease with the county states we fly only at this site. They were receptive to the surface park but we need to discuss more in detail before we approach the Parks & Rec department.
-Keys – the locksmith is still waiting on key blanks as of Tuesday. They are hoping to get the blanks soon. General game plan is to change the locks, approximately 2 weeks after keys are mailed out. I am sure that WACAMA will send out an email when they start to mail out the keys (Trey/Andy correct?)
-As I stated last month, we will no longer be receiving membership cards, your key is your membership “card” now.
-WACAMA has asked that everyone unlock & lock gate behind you when you enter & leave the park. Also, lock the charging station if you are the last one to leave the field.
-It was brought up at the last meeting about flying Turbine aircraft at the field, the answer is NO. The lease states no turbine flying on this site.
-the WACAMA Board has asked each of us to consider joining the control line club. They have very few members and they could use our help financially. Most of them are members of FAPA also, so if you can please join them. It will cost $22.50 to join & help them out. It was discussed to combine both clubs into one. The CBL’s would have to be reworked to accommodate these changes
-Lastly, on Sundy May 15th from 10-1pm the Boy Scouts will be launching Rockets again. Anybody who was here last year knows it is a blast. I’m hoping we can get a few Apprentices out here to help put on a Demo & show them the joys of flying. There will be no flying during this time period. Anthony brought up the AMA Trust program & FAA registration WACAMA would like you to have this to fly this. More to come on this subject at next meeting.
In Closing:
Motion to adjourn: Terry
Second: Joe
Time: 12:55
Meeting February 5!
There will be a club meeting February 5, 2022. We will be finalizing plans for our 2022 fly-ins. Bring your thinking caps!
January 2022 Meeting Minutes
Start time:
Welcome to the 186th meeting of FAPA, I hope you had a wonderful Holiday Season. We welcome our guests that are present & hope FAPA/Waymer can be the Flying home you have been looking for.
Recap of 12/4/2021 meeting:
-We had our 1st annual Holiday Cookout, which a huge success. Thank you to all who helped with the festivities
-Our new Officers were recognized & welcomed
-our new Webcam was rolled out, please remember to log out when not using camera to save data
-the taxiways have been repaired, Thank you to Jimoh!
-FAPA received Field Improvement Grant ($392.50) from AMA, through district 4
-Winter meeting locations were discussed, should we continue meeting at the field during the Winter months? Amendment, Evan has found a place to meet….Safari Miles can accommodate us, but meeting would need to be on Sunday, after they open at 11am, we just need to call ahead. Discussion…..check into
-we no longer will use the text message chain, is everyone receiving my emails?
Officers report
-VP – Jimoh is not here today, his Father passed away. We sent a flower arrangement to him from FAPA. Please keep him in your thoughts & prayers during this difficult time.
–Secretary – Ray
*see Ray to change my email address on website. Also add FB, Instagram links to website
–Treasurer – Andy – $456.25 / $4737.25
–Safety officier – Rob- If not here. Fly behind at pilot stations. Get behind Pilot stations when somebody calls landing. Don’t stand on taxiway. Call landings & Takeoffs on runway etc…..Fail safe & throttle cut. Get somebody to help you if needed. Will do a PM monthly of first aid kit.
–President – Jay – Upcoming fly ins: How many do we want to have? I would like to have 4 this year, with 2 being sanctioned. Control line sanctioned dates are 10/21-10/23/2022, all others will be fun fly
Discussion of dates: March, May, July, Sept, Oct(Warbirds)
Themes: Jet Jam of NC? St. Patty’s, Memorial Day Fly in? Go Green, Experiential Fun Fly
I tried to get Charlotte Aeromodlers dated but after multiple tries I gave up
Snail mail WACAMA applications
Swap meet – Triad Aeromodlers is Saturday March 19th in Lexington
Show flyers
FAPA now has Instagram account – address is Flyacespilots & I added signs to columns & Board
WACAMA portions:
We’ve had some interest in making a surface park at the lower end of the field, where the drone course is set up. Surface is becoming more popular, with cars, trucks and tanks. We need something to do on windy days. How do we approach this with the county – Terry show tanks
Discussion: check on Drone Racing / still use
Check on Turbine flying – no per WACAMA
Membership renewal is going on now for FAPA & WACAMA. The current keys will only work through February 16th 2022.
There is a problem with the locksmith getting blank keys, hopefully new keys will be sent out last week of January
With next year’s renewal you will no longer be getting membership cards, your key will now represent your membership card. WACAMA has asked for everyone to please unlock & lock the gate as you come and go. Make sure the gate is CLOSED & LOCKED if you are the last one out. Also make sure the charging station is locked before leaving.
There was a request at the last meeting for signage at the gate on how to join WACAMA, Terry installed this sign at the gate and it looks great. Thanks Terry.
One other date I want to mention….Potentially around late 2022 we will have to apply with the FAA for a frias site. For those who do not know what this means, it is a FAA Recognized ID Area. There still is no firm date but I wanted you all to know about it. I am also not sure if this will be a WACAM task, FAPA or both.
In closing….questions or comments:
Motion to adjorn:
Meeting adjorned
December 2021 Club Meeting Minutes (12/6/21)
- 185th Meeting of FAPA!
- Welcome Jay Kuster as president of FAPA!
- Recap on November 4th Meeting
- WarBird Fly-In was a huge success! We claimed $300. Thank Everyone who attended!
- The taxiway has been replaced by Jimoh
- Elections were held for Offices. The elected officers are as follows:
– Rob Cutman: Safety Officer
-Andy Dazzo: Treasurer
-Ray Clyburn: Secretary
-Jimoh Ahmed: Vice President
-President: Jay Kuster
- WACAMA reps are as follows:
-Trey Chanter
-Anthony Durrah
-Vic Duniec
- Stephan Brown Has installed a new Runway cam. The website will be linked on forward page.
- Club Capital is $4817.90.
September 2021 Club Meeting Minutes (9/4/21)
- 182nd meeting of FAPA!
- 10/2/2021 fly in
- – voted on budget for raffle prizes – $400, Joe Klabnik will get prizes
- Stephan Brown to get food
- Jim G. to get drinks
- someone will need to bring tents & tables for the cookout items
- Taxi way repair was discussed & a threshold to hold the fabric to the runway
- was the solution we decided on for the problem – to be installed in the near future
- Boy Scouts will be at the field on Sunday 10/19 for Rocket Day, No flying at field on this day
- Catawba Valley RC’ers club contacted Jay Kuster about supporting their upcoming
- Fun Fly, Date to be determined
- Control line meet is 10/15-10/17, there will be no flying at the field until the afternoon of the 17th
- Nominations of Officers
- President – Trey Chanter, Jay Kuster
- VP – Jimoh Ahmed, Evan Doughty
- Secretary – Ray Clyburn, Stephen Brown
- Treasurer – Andy Dazzo
- Safety Officer – Rob Cutman
- WACMAA Rep – Trey Chanter, Anthony Durrah, Vic Duniec
- Motion to adjourn made and seconded…..meeting adjourned at 12:37
- Next meeting will be 10/2/21 – War Bird Fly In / Election of officers
-Submitted by Jay Kuster
August 2021 Club Meeting Minutes (8/7/21)
- 181st meeting of FAPA!
- A BIG shout out to Russ – he cut all the stumps down and weed wacked the jungle around the portapotty
- Our Fun in the Sun fly on July 17th was another great success! 17 pilots registered, great weather and food. Once again, thanks to our hard working volunteers. Terry handled the signups and raffle tickets, Joe got great raffle prizes, Jim brought drinks and Stephan handled getting the food, JB cooked it all up, Jimoh brought one of his masterpieces for desert AND we cleared about $150.
- Stephan has researched installing an internet connected camera that would allow club members to log on and see what the weather is doing before a long commute to the field.
- A majority agreed that we should get this done. $600 was approved to fund the project.
- Thank you Stephan for heading up the project.
- Think safety! Throttle Cut and Fail Safe. If you haven’t set these features up yet, ask for help. Easy peezey and may save a finger or in the case of a fly away, our field.
- We have asked WACAMA to ask Parks and Rec to bush-hog the area between the runway and the stream and step up the mowing schedule.
- As you know the TRUST program has been implemented and all are requested to take the test and get your certification.
- Upcoming regulation dates
- Beginning September 16, 2022 we can begin our FRIA application which will certify Waymer as an approved flying site so there will NOT be any Remote-ID requirements for flying at the field.
- Beginning September 16, 2023 Remote ID will be in force. Flying at Waymer will not be affected as we will be a designated FRIA (FAA Recognized Identification Area)
- Club Capital: $4797.97
- Next Meeting will be noon Saturday September 4, 2021 at the field. Nominations for
- Club officers are due. Current Officers: Pres Trey Chanter; VPres Jay Kuster; Secretary Ray Clyburn; Treasurer; Drew Dazzo; Safety Officer Jimoh Ahmed. Nominees must
- have been members for 1 year.
July 2021 Club Meeting Minutes (7/3/21)
- 180th meeting of FAPA
- A BIG shout out Rick – the grass will not be eating our runway and taxiway!
- A suggestion was offered to widen the exits to the taxiway and to extend the runway (with geo-tex). Both ideas were discussed and there was little support for either.
- Stephan has researched installing an internet connected camera that would allow club members to log on and see what the weather is doing before a long commute to the field. A majority agreed that we should get this done. $600 was approved to fund the project. Thank you Stephan for heading up the project.
- Our Fun in the Sun fly In is scheduled for July 17th. Once again a number of our hard working volunteers have stepped up.
Terry is going to handle pilot sign ups and raffle and meal tickets sales
Joe is going to again do a great job getting our raffle prizes
Jim, as always, will handle drinks
Stephan will get da food!
- Think safety! Throttle Cut and Fail Safe. If you haven’t set these features up yet, ask for help. Easy peezey and may save a finger or in the case of a fly away, our field.
- We will ask WACAMA to ask Parks and Rec to bush-hog the area between the runway and the stream. Getting hazardous to go fetch a plane.
- The worn flag has been replaced.
- On Monday July 5th we are going to fire up the grill at 11:00 am for anyone who’d like to bring something to grill. Looks like a low humidity, low wind day.
- Current club capital: $4731.80
- Next Meeting will be noon Saturday August 7, 2021 at the field.
June 2021 Club Meeting Minutes (5/1/21)
- 179th meeting of FAPA
- A BIG shout out to all who helped make our May 22 Go Green fly-in a great success. The grill was a hit! A special thank you our grillers and Stephan who nailed it on the food. Cookies, baked beans what more could you ask for?? AND FAPA made money. Again, thank you all!
- The latex based filler that Trey has tried seems to be working. He will schedule further repairs when it is too windy to fly.
- Our grant request with the AMA was turned down… bummer.
- Our biggest challenges with maintenance is on going crack repair and stopping the grass from growing into the asphalt and cracking it up. Trey is working on the cracks and Rick has volunteered to treat the grass with commercial grade round up. A big shout out to both.
- Think safety! Throttle Cut and Fail Safe. If you haven’t set these features up yet, ask for help. Easy beezey and may save a finger or in the case of a fly away, our field.
- The Club currently has $4,731.80 in the bank.
- Next Meeting will be noon Saturday July 3, 2021 at the field.
GoGreen Fly-In This Weekend!
FAPA GoGreen Fly-In this weekend! Freshly grilled hot dogs and burgers will be provided for participants. There will be a $15 landing fee. Raffle prizes will be given!
May 1 Club Meeting Minutes
Club Meeting On Saturday, April 3!
Park meeting scheduled for Saturday April 3. Weather will be nice for that day. We hope to see you there!
April 2021 Club meeting minutes
*177th meeting of FAPA!
- A big thank you to Jimoh Ahmed for heading the new taxiway.
- Thanks to Joe for adding the new flagpole and floodlighting.
- Max is still working with parks and recreation to remove the trees from around the outer C/L Circle. Estimated removal within the next couple weeks.
- On Sunday May 3, Or Sunday May 16, WACAMA will be hosting a cub scout rocket group. We will notify of the dates as they get closer.
- Metrolina Control Line has gifted us their paint striping machine! Vic will begin painting the new taxiway soon.
- Trey is testing different solutions to fix pavement cracks in the runway.
- AMA will announce grant receipts Mid April. Hopefully our grant request will be fulfilled so that we can receive funding from AMA!
- FAPA current capital includes $4.592.37
- Next meeting will be Saturday, May 1,2020 at the field.
*FAPA is planning three Fly-ins for this year:
- GO GREEN: May 22, 2021
- FUN IN THE SUN: July 17, 2021
- WARBIRD FLY-IN: October 2,2021
- Only the Warbird Fly-in will be an AMA sanctioned event. The Metrolina event will be October 15-17, 2021. Planning for the Go Green Fly-In will be completed at the May 1st Meeting.
Club Meeting On Saturday, April 3!
Park meeting scheduled for Saturday April 3. Weather will be nice for that day. We hope to see you there!
April 2021 Club meeting minutes
*177th meeting of FAPA!
March 2021 Club Meeting Minutes (3/6/21)
* 176th meeting of FAPA at the David B. Waymer Field
* Speaking of which, David B Waymer Sr. was a well know philanthropist employed by the Agricultural Extension Service. The recreational complex that includes the flying field was named in his honor 1n 1988.
* Jimoh explained the taxiway project and is hoping to get started Monday March 8. He will need volunteers to lay the GeoTex starting Wednesday March 10 at 11am. The field will be closed to flying while the work is in progress. FAPA officers agreed to contribute $1,000 toward the $2,700 project with WACAMA providing the remaining $1,700.
* A new bulletin board has been installed.
* A map to the closest emergency room has been posted and the first aid kit upgraded with Quik-clot bandages.
* Max explained the tree cutting project (line of trees north of the charge station) initiated by the Metrolina Control Line Club. Parks and Rec agreed to remove the trees once cut.
* Importance of throttle cut and failsafe systems discussed.
* FAPA is planning for 3 events this year – Go Green May 22, 2021 – Fun in the Sun July 17, 2021 and Warbird Fly-In Oct 9, 2021. Only the Warbird event will be an AMA sanctioned event. The Metrolina Control Line event will be Oct 15 thru 17, 2021.
* Jim Galuska, our previous treasurer, reported that after a lengthy battle wit PayPal, he recovered $240 of the Clubs money. Well done!
* The Club currently has $6,265.94 in the bank – that is before the taxiway and bulletin board expenses.
* Next Meeting will be April 3, 2021 at the field
November 2020 Club Meeting Minutes (11/7/20)
- 175th meeting of Flying Aces Pilots Association!
- There are currently 85 members of FAPA
- Earnings call for 2020. Our current capital requirements have been discussed and our requirement for funding has been broadened for next year.
- Cracks have been repaired by parks and recreation. Discussion on funding for the batteries inside the charging center, with each battery costing around $1100
- Parks and recreation sprayed to kill weeds around the edge of the runway.
- Reports of radio interference causing problems flying:
- All are welcome to use Trey’s Frequency Spectrum Analyzer to check for signal interference. The FSA Checks for any hard interference in DSMX transmitters/receivers. Trey did not find any Evidence of hard interference. Always place receivers and satellites away from the battery, and try not to bury the receiver deep within the aircraft’s fuselage. Ask any seasoned pilot for advice if you’re unsure.
- All office positions have been filled. Thank you officers!
- We sold more tickets than Ever! Thanks to all members who helped with the fly in!
- Discussion on the possibility of adding cashless entries for members who do not use cash.
- There have been batteries left at Waymer
- It’s everyone’s responsibility to properly dispose of LiPO batteries. Leaving live LiPO batteries is Strictly prohibited at Waymer.
- The Location and time of the next meeting discussed
The runway will be closed on Tuesday, 11/3/2020 for repairs. Flying will resume on Wednesday, 11/4/2020.
October 2020 Warbird Fly in! (10/24/2020)
- Thanks to everyone who made this date possible. With contributions from Pam Russ, Trey Chandler and Jimoh Ahmed for providing the catering for the event.
- Extending a special welcome to our newest club members; Thank you for joining us!
- Big thank you to Jay Kuster for exceptional park coordination. His dedication to the coordination of our park will have a long lasting effect on our great park.
– (1st Ticket) David Cabana
-(2nd Ticket) Buddy Auer
-(3rd Ticket) Pam Russ
-(4th Ticket) Trey Chandler
-(5th Ticket) Carlos Casas
- We were able to take many pictures witch are posted on this site and our Facebook page.
June 2020 Club Meeting Minutes (06/06/20)
- First meeting at the field for 2020
- Park Gate
- Anthony fixed the county’s side of the gate by cementing the pole in place
- We should continue to lock the gate behind us when arriving and leaving. The last person leaving should ensure the charging station is locked as well.
- Fly In
- We are still planning on having our Oct Fly In
- Will discuss details at later meetings
- Flag Pole
- It was brought up that the flag should be flown according to national standards (ie. can’t be tattered and must be lit when flown at night or taken down daily)
- Also we don’t have authority to place a flag on the pavilion as it is county property.
- A motion was made and seconded to purchase a flag pole and fasten to the charging station container. A light of some sort (solar or 12v w/ timer) will be placed to illuminate the flag.
- Helicopter club
- Metrolina Control Line Society confirmed it was ok for the helicopters to fly on the grass circle when they are not using it.
- Scott Graham is working on getting a club chartered for helicopter flyers. To be named Race City Rotors.
- Initially the new flight line will be for helicopters only but will discuss opening to others that can fly within the limits of the grass circle (multirotors, park flyers, etc).
- Demonstration event
- An opportunity for a flight demo day has been presented at Brookdale/Weddington Retirement Home
- Flying would be in their parking lot and was mentioned that it is a tight area
- There is a YMCA field across the street that may offer more room
- If interested contact Scott Graham
- Member Appreciation Day
- It was suggested that we have a member appreciation day on July 4th
- A motion was made for the club to provide food/drinks
- Evan, Terry and Jim volunteered to get food and drinks
- In Memorium Plaque
- Since we cannot place plaques in the pavilion area a motion was made and seconded to get a plaque on which we can place the names of individuals we would like to recognize.
- This can be placed in the frequency control billboard area.
- It was also suggested to ad an In-memorium Page to the website
- Field Repairs
- Jay is working on the crack repair. Weather has not been cooperative.
May 2020 Club Meeting Minutes (05/06/20)
- First Club Zoom meeting
- Discussed social distancing and COVID while at the field
- We should limit out contact with others while at the field
- Park Pass holders should lock the gate behind them when arriving and leaving. Must show park pass to gain entry.
- We have had several members pass away over the last few months.
- We discussed getting plaques for them.
- We have a few plaques that have been placed on the pavilion posts.
- We don’t have authority to place anything on the pavilion structure.
- A motion was made and seconded to get plaques for them
- Pilot Stations
- A reminder was brought up that people need to fly at the pilot stations. This has been an ongoing issue and people need to be reminded
- For FPV flyers it is ok to fly from the tables.
- The reminder is for the safety of people being near the runway and not being fully aware of what is happening around them. Safety first.
- Helicopters
- The subject was brought up about the helicopter guys flying on the grass control line circle.
- Max said he would check with the CL Club leadership but did not see an issue with it as long as the CL guys weren’t flying from that circle.
- Scott was going to have a few guys fly up there to see if they were comfortable flying there.
- We will have to establish the area as a new flight line.
- This does not exclude anyone from flying helicopters on the RC flight line. This is just an additional space for the to fly.
- Scott is working on establishing a helicopter club to become part of WACAMA
- Field repairs
- Jay will communicate potential work days for fixing the crack and modifying the remaining pilot stations
March 2020 Club Meeting Minutes (03/05/20)
- FLY IN DATES ARE 3/28, 5/16, 10/24
February 2020 Club Meeting Minutes (02/12/20)
- 2020 Fly Ins
- Discussed 2020 fly in dates again. A date changed was suggested due to a conflict with a swap meet
- Mar 21 Fly In changed to Mar 28
- Mar 28 – Spring Fun-Fly Fly In (Date Change)
- May 16 – Summer Fly In (Theme TBA) – Sanctioned
- October 24 – Warbirds Over Waymer – Sanctioned
- Discussed 2020 fly in dates again. A date changed was suggested due to a conflict with a swap meet
- 2020 Fly Ins
- We are in jeopardy of losing our rights to fly our airplanes, helicopters, drones, gliders, etc.
- Everyone should take time and make the effort to comment on the current proposal for Remote ID. It is extremely restrictive. The comment period ends Mar 2.
- Each of us should make individual, even multiple different comments. They remove obviously duplicate/form letter type comments.
- Fly In Volunteers
- We need volunteers to come up with and lead activities during the fly in. Current suggestion…
- Bomb Drops – Chris suggested a bomb drop event. He 3D printed some mechanisms and bought some nerf style bombs.
- We need volunteers to come up with and lead activities during the fly in. Current suggestion…
- The locks should be changed soon to the 2020 key. We are waiting on parts the will make the locks retain the key until re-locked.
- When unlocking the gate please lock the gate to the retaining post to keep it from swinging closed.
- Field Maintenance
- Runway Repair
- We are going to repair the crack in the runway with a caulk type material. Are just waiting for a warm day to do this. The material to be used has temperature requirements
- We will schedule a work day to accomplish this and some other repairs, before the next fly in. The field will be closed to flying during this work day. Date to be discussed during next meeting. We will also need volunteers to help during the work day.
- Flying Stations
- Jay Kuster is working on putting the feet on the two end pilot stations to have them match the other stations.
- Runway Repair
- Field Safety
- Please be aware of spectators. We need to ensure spectators, anyone who is not a pilot or spotter, should not be in the flying or pit area past the fence. This is for everyone’s safety.
- Next meeting March 5, 2020 7pm at the Galway Hooker in Cornelius.
- Come early and have dinner. 1/2 price appetizers. A lot of us meet at 6pm for dinner. Please join us.
January 2020 Club Meeting Minutes (01/09/2020)
- 2020 Fly Ins
- Fly in dates were discussed again during the meeting.
- Confirmed Dates:
- Mar 21 – Spring Fly In (Theme TBA)
- May 16 – Summer Fly In (Theme TBA)
- October 24 – Warbirds Over Waymer (DATE CHANGE)
- We need ideas for events for the fun fly. Please have event ideas, rules, etc ready for discussion at the next meeting.
- 2020 Fly Ins
- Flying Stations
- Jay completed the pilot stations. They look great and we are glad to have the old ones replaced. THANKS JAY!!
- Of course no good deed go unpunished so it was suggested that the two remaining stations at the far ends of the fields be updated to look like the new stations.Jay said he would work on this.
- Church Education Programs / Fly In Space
- Vic met with the church wanting us to provide classes on flight, RC models and building, etc. They are looking for instructors that can make a few nights a week commitment (paid for time). We initially were approaching this as a possible place to have indoor fly ins in exchange for the instructional services. The church representative indicated that we could rent the space for such events if we wanted. If interested in instructing for the church you can contact Vic and he can give you contact information.
- WACAMA Business
- WACAMA letters have been mailed and are being mailed in small groups as received. If you have not received yours yet and have paid please check with Vic.
- Please display your badge when flying. We may have visits from the county park rangers checking that you have your badges
- Check your keys to ensure they work
- As discussed previously…
- 2019 Keys will work until 01/31/2020.
- 2020 keys that have been issued will currently work in the locks and continue working after 01/31/2020
- When the locks are re-keyed on 01/31/2020 you will only be able to remove the key from the lock when it is in the locked position
- Park Rules/Safety
- Please follow the rules regarding spectators. It presents a safety hazard when groups of spectators are in the pit area or on the flight line. The rules are for everyone’s safety.
- Friendly reminder: The park is a non-smoking area as designated by the county. Please refrain from smoking in the park. There are members who do not want to be around it. Please be considerate of others.
- US Flag
- The flag was recently replaced by Jim. WACAMA is not responsible for this so the FAPA has been taking care of this. Thanks Jim for being diligent on keeping the flag maintained and flying the flag properly.
- First Aid Kit
- A request was made to WACAMA to update/replace the first aid supplies in the first aid kit. They agreed and will be taking care of this.
- Park Rules/Safety
- NEXT MEETING The Galway Hooker. February 06, 2020 @ 7pm
December 2019 Club Meeting Minutes (12/05/19)
- 2020 Fly Ins
- Potential dates were discussed again during the meeting. Vic is going to verify dates of other clubs fly ins.
- Tentative Dates:
- Mar 21 – Spring Fly In (Theme TBA)
- May 16 – Summer Fly In (Theme TBA)
- October 17 – Warbirds Over Waymer
- Pit Tables and Flying Stations
- Jay completed the replacement of the table tops for the pit tables. They look great and the tops should provide years of usability. THANKS JAY!!
- Jay is also working on new pilot stations and expects to have them complete by the end of December.
- 2020 Fly Ins
- Church Education Programs / Fly In Space
- Vic was approached by a Church in Huntersville on 73 about assisting in some educational programs that they are wanting to provide. Classes on flight, RC models and building, etc. Vic is meeting with the church representative to discuss and take a look at the space.
- WACAMA Business
- WACAMA letters to be mailed week of Dec 9th
- 2019 Keys will work until 01/31/2020.
- 2020 keys that have been issued will currently work in the locks and continue working after 01/31/2020
- When the locks are re-keyed on 01/31/2020 you will only be able to remove the key from the lock when it is in the locked position
- As WACAMA members we are responsible for ensuring the charging station, awning and our gate are locked each day when we finish flying. Even if the county gate is opened we need to lock out side and protect our equipment.
- Meeting Location
- A motion was made to keep the meeting location at Galway Hooker for our indoor winter meetings. A vote was taken and passed. We will continue meeting at the Galway Hooker through March 2020. Our first meeting at the field will be in April 2020.
- Church Education Programs / Fly In Space
- NEXT MEETING The Galway Hooker. January 09, 2020 @ 7pm
November 2019 Club Meeting Minutes (11/08/19)
- 2020 Fly Ins
- We discussed our 2020 Fly In dates. We also discussed whether these should be sanctioned events. There is a cost to associated with this but we do get better exposure as it gets posted in the AMA magazine. It is probably too late to get our Spring Fly In sanctioned, but we could get the others sanctioned.
- 2020 Fly In Dates:
- May 21 – Spring Fly In (Theme TBA)
- May 16 – Summer Fly In (Theme TBA)
- October 17 – Warbirds Over Waymer
- Flying Tables and Pilot Stations
- Jay Kuster, club Vice-President, has worked hard on getting the flight line tabletops repaired. Thanks for your hard work on this Jay!!!
- Jay is also working on making new pilot stations. He is going to build the frames at his house. They will be designed like the two stations recently added to each end of the flight line. We will need help finishing the frames with the safety netting. Time TBA, we will send out a message. The safety netting is screwed into the PVC (with a lot of screws). Anyone willing to help please bring your cordless drill on the announced workday.
- Membership Review/Club Participation
- We are averaging about 3 new members a week
- A current club goal is to increase meeting participation
- Having a raffle at the meeting for a few meetings
- Discussed having a quick class at the meeting (FPV, model setup, etc)
- New meeting location:
- Our next monthly meeting will be held at The Galway Hooker. We have access to a private room there. Details to follow with next meeting announcement.
- Club Notifications/Communications:
- We have been using a new text message/email system for club announcements. If you didn’t receive an announcement for the last club meeting please let a club officer know and make sure your contact information is up to date.
- Club Exposure
- Discussed being a good neighbor to the neighborhoods that are quickly growing up around us. We need to ensure we are being friendly and proactive with visitors from the neighborhoods.
- Being friendly and answering questions with any visitors go a long way to promoting a good image for the club and the field.
- We discussed getting better signage for the club. Vic is going to look into this. We used to have club specific signage.
- Please join our Facebook page, @flyingacesrc. We post updates and info there too. Feel free to post your RC related stuff there too.
October Club Meeting Minutes (10/05/19)
- Club Officer Elections for 2020 – Elections were held, please congratulate the new officers.
- President:
- Vic Duniec
- Vice President:
- Jay Kuster
- Treasurer:
- Andy Dazzo
- Secretary:
- Dwayne Moody
- Safety Officer:
- Joe Klabnik
- WACAMA Representatives:
- Trey Chanter
- Vic Duniec
- President:
- The fly in was held September 21st, attendants had a great time
- Hats have been purchased
- No update on the new pilots stations or remaining benches
September Club Meeting Minutes (09/07/19)
- Fly Ins – September fly in is on Sept 21st at 9am. Warbird themed but all welcome.
- FAPA Hat purchase – Motion made and passed for the club to purchase 100 FAPA hats at $10.20 ea for paying members.
- US Flag – Concern was raised about the maintenance of the flag. The bracket has been repaired and a new flag has been purchased. This is to be reimbursed by WACAMA as it is related to the facilities in the park. We need yo make sure we replace the flag regularly.
- Park Care – The topic of kids throwing rocks on the roof of the shelter was raised. Please be aware of children doing this if you are at the park. We are all responsible for making sure the park is taken care of and not abused. Please remind parents and children of this if you see them throwing rocks.
- Flight line benches – Many of the tables have been repaired with new composite decking tops. Please thank our VP Jay Kuster for this. There are still a few table that need repairing. Please contact Jay if you would like to assist with getting these repaired. Thanks Jay the tables look really good.
- Pilot Stations – Two new pilot stations were built and installed earlier this year. Again thanks to Jay Kuster for taking on this task. A motion was made to replace all of the old stations with this new design. Motion seconded and passed. Please contact Jay or Max if you would like to help with this task.
- Club and WACAMA Membership – A motion was made to officially align the FAPA and WACAMA club membership and dues. This alignment has any new member joins FAPA and/or WACAMA after Oct 1st of any given year will not have their membership expire until Dec 31 of the following year. We have been ding this in practice, but the vote makes it official.
- Club Officer Nominations for 2020 – We took nominations for club officers for 2020. A vote will be held at the next club meeting to vote on these nominations. Nominations can be made up to the time of the vote at the next meeting. Nominations and votes can be conducted by proxy in writing to a current club officer prior to the next meetings vote. The current accepted nominations for 2020 are:
- President:
- Vic Duniec
- Vice President:
- Jay Kuster
- Treasurer:
- Andy Dazzo
- Secretary:
- Dwayne Moody
- Safety Officer:
- Terry Hickey
- Joe Klabnik
- WACAMA Representatives:
- Trey Chanter
- Vic Duniec
- President:
August Club Meeting Minutes (08/03/19)
- We will have nominations for club officers in preparation for the elections at the October meeting.
- Please see Anthony Durrah for WACAMA membership, keys, and issues.
- I will be out of town for our next fly in on September 21st. VP Jay is in charge and Sec Dwayne is doing the raffle
- I have not been able to contact Suzi about the Carl Wagner memorial float fly tentatively the 24th of August.
June Club Meeting Minutes (06/01/19)
- Coming Soon
May Club Meeting Minutes (05/04/19)
- Larry Moore Old Timer Fly In is June 22 @9am. Click here to view the Flyer
- We raised about $1400 for Suzi selling Carl’s items.
- We are also going to discuss a flyin/ BBQ at Suzi’s at the next meeting
- People have still not received 2019 passes and keys from WACAMA.
- Please contact Evan if you are a FAPA member and have not received a pass you paid for.
April Club Meeting Minutes (04/07/19)
- Spektrum Programming Class/ float flying – We had ten attend the class on programming Spektrum radios and fly float planes at Carl and Suzi’s house. We had pizzas, drinks and a great time.
- Dwayne was volunteered to acquire the raffle prizes for the next flyin, The Larry Moore.
Mar Club Meeting Minutes (03/07/19)
- Go Green Fly In – Flyer is available on the events page. Discussed event planning (drinks, etc). Terry will run the raffle, thank you Dwayne for getting the prizes. Jay will run for pizzas and Jim is going to bring drinks. The event will begin at 9am with a Pilots Meeting.
- Flying Stations – Jay has made two new pilot stations. One has been added to each end of the flight line. Thanks Jay!
- Spektrum Programing Class/ float flying – We have been invited to Carls house to hold a class on programing Spek radios and fly float planes. This will be Friday 3/29/2019 at 6pm. We will supply pizzas and drinks. If you would like to attend contact Evan for the address.
- Smooth Flying – It has been requested to have a “smooth” flying class session during the next meeting. We will see what we can do.
- Charging Station Maintenance – Jay has volunteered to check the charging stations batteries.
- Upcoming Events
- FAPA Go Green Fly In, WACAMA – March 16
- Wind &Wings Event, NC Transportation Museum – March 22 &23
- FAPA April Club Meeting, Waymer Field – April 06 Noon
- Sugar Valley fly-in – April 06
- NSCRA Pattern Contest, CLT Aeromodelers, May 18 & 19
Feb Club Meeting Minutes (02/07/19)
- FAA Renewals – discussed if FAA renewals were required as some people mentioned theirs had expired. Currently FAA registration is not listed as a requirement to fly at Waymer, but the FAA says your are required to be registered to fly as part of a community based organization. Please go to to ensure you are complying with any regulations.
- Go Green Fly In – Flyer is available on the events page. Discussed event planning (drinks, etc). Jim is going to bring drinks. We discussed signs for the club/event. Jim has the old original sign and mentioned we could put it back up along Rt 115 as it was in the past. Someone mentioned a permit may be required to this. We will at least put it out for the fly in. Terry will handle ticket sales for the raffle. We have tickets left over from the last event. Depending on the number of participants we may use armbands for pilots.
- WACAMA Pass/Gate Keys – Some people mentioned they have not received their keys yet and were worried the lock would be changed. This is a WACAMA issue and should be discussed with them. Many people have received theirs and there should be another batch sent out soon.
- Flying Stations – Jay is working on new pilot stations. One will be added to each end of the flight line. It is planned to have these completed before the March fly in.
- Flight Line Tables – We discussed repairing the flight line tables again. We have access to composite decking for about half of the tables. The club would just need to purchase screws to fix the boards to the tables. It was agreed to go ahead and do this. We will need some volunteers to assist with this when the work gets started.
- Park Driveway – It was mentioned that a request has been made to the county to repair the road and add gravel as needed. This needs to be confirmed with WACAMA.
- Field Safety – There have been many instances of unsafe practices at the field. Especially on the flight line. People flying from the runway, not calling landings, ignoring calls for landing, flying behind the pilots stations are just a few of these situations. All of the present a safety hazard to both people and aircraft. We have a safety officer who is doing a good job, but it is ALL of our responsibility to make sure we are being safe. If you see someone doing something unsafe let please let them know in a courteous manner they need to follow the rules. We also discussed new signage stating the rules. This needs to be discussed with WACAMA. It was decided that there will be a mandatory pilots meeting at 9am on for the next fly in where the rules for the park and event will be presented to all pilots.
- Charging Station Use – A reminder needs to be issued to everyone that uses the charging station. When you are not charging on busy days please disconnect/move your charger/gear to make room for others. General courtesy in this area is appreciated. A sign will be made and posted above the charging table to remind people of this.
- New OpenTX User Group – Several people are adopting the OpenTX operating system. There is a group of people interested in this and a flyer has been posted on the bulletin board for those interested in learning more.
- Upcoming Events
- FAPA MArch Club Meeting, Bob Evans – March 07
- FAPA Go Green Fly In, WACAMA – March 16
- Wind &Wings Event, NC Transportation Museum – March 22 &23
- NSCRA Pattern Contest, CLT Aeromodelers, May 18 & 19